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There are 74 item(s) tagged with the keyword "FIXED INCOME".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 74

Pivotal moments

Economists and portfolio managers from BNY Mellon Investment Management share ‘pivotal moments’ of recent years and how they have influenced macroeconomic and market trends

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Thematics, technology, Equities, sustainability, Macroeconomics, Fixed Income
To CCC or not to CCC, that is the question

With rate cuts on the horizon, what’s next for US high-yield bonds? We share our views.

Tags: abrdn, fixed income
Are we heading for a fixed income renaissance?

BNY Mellon Investment Management chief economist Shamik Dhar looks at key macroeconomic drivers which could buoy fixed income markets in the years ahead.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Fixed Income
Celebrating a decade of social impact bond investments

The CT UK Social Bond Fund has pioneered impact investing for fixed income, through investments that deliver positive social outcomes and a financial return consistent with the risk profile of the broad UK investment grade credit market. We talk to portfolio manager Tammie Tang.

Tags: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, Responsible investment, Fixed Income - Investment Grade, Fixed income
Attractive yields but narrow spreads - The credit dilemma

Even after the late-year “Santa” rally, all-in yields in many credit sectors are near multi-decade highs, making it tempting to portfolio managers to have overweight credit allocations to maximize the yield opportunity. But credit spreads are relatively narrow and the distinct risk of an economic or financial market recession looms eventually, so managers might opt to underweight credit sectors.  

Tags: T. Rowe Price, fixed income, Equities
Market Watch: International Divergence

In this edition of Market Watch, Shamik Dhar, Chief Economist at BNY Mellon Investment Management, explores the persistent theme of divergence from 2023 continuing into 2024. Dhar delves into facets, including the weakening US labour market and geopolitical tensions around the Red Sea, that might mitigate the potential for a US soft landing.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Macroeconomics, Fixed Income, Equities
Corporate bonds: the risk now seems to pay well

Just a few months ago, you had to take great care with bonds in a context of inflation. But now investors should be opting for this asset class, says Stefan Isaacs, Deputy CIO Public Fixed Income at M&G.

Tags: M&G Investments, Fixed income, Inflation
The Investment Podcast - Dissecting the fallout from the gilt crisis

Just over a year has passed since the gilt market turmoil of September 2022, sparked by the UK government’s so-called ‘mini-budget’. The fallout from the crisis, as the pound fell and gilt yields spiked, prompted an emergency intervention by the Bank of England to restore orderly market conditions against a global backdrop of high inflation and rising interest rates. A significant change in asset class demand dynamics ensued as pension funds sought to meet collateral calls for their LDI mandates.

Tags: M&G Investments, Listen, Fixed income
Examining the case for active management in fixed income

While passive investments have seen rapid growth in recent years, we believe there are several crucial advantages for choosing active management when investing in fixed income. This is especially true in the current climate, as uncertainty over the future path of interest rates and inflation continues to drive heightened volatility across the asset class. 

Tags: M&G Investments, Fixed Income, Bonds, Active Management
Social norms: the growing bond market that is increasingly delivering impact

The growth in the breadth and depth of the social bond market is impressive, but there's still more to come.

Tags: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, Responsible Investment, Fixed Income

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 74