Aberdeen Standard

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There are 74 item(s) tagged with the keyword "FIXED INCOME".

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 74

 Emerging Market Debt - September 2022 review and outlook

Summary of developments in emerging market debt in September 2022 and the outlook going forward. 

Tags: abrdn, fixed income
China macro and policy insights: Stability in an unstable global market?

Fidelity Global CIO Andrew McCaffery and our locally based experts review the economic and investment outlook for China. From the upcoming National Congress to the potential easing of Covid control measures, they debate the key issues facing investors and how markets could react over the coming months.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, economics, fixed income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Inflation – higher for longer?

abrdn consider some of the longer term factors that are exerting upward pressures on inflation. 

Tags: fixed income, inflation, abrdn
Asia Q4 outlook - Potential bright spot amid a challenging winter

With recessions looming over most developed markets, Asia is marching to a different beat this winter. Against this backdrop, Global CIO Andrew McCaffery explains why Asia’s key economies serve as a useful diversifier, with more policy certainty potentially coming from the Chinese Party Congress this October.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Economics, Fixed Income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Are cost pressures finally easing?

Our latest analyst survey suggests that input cost inflation is starting to stabilise, amid signs of demand destruction. Here, we delve into the results and highlight how our analysts are expecting labour and non-labour cost pressures to evolve across key economic regions over the coming months.

Tags: Fidelity, economics, Fixed Income, Global
Emerging Market Debt Outlook, Claudia Calich

In this video Claudia Calich, provides an update on the asset class after what has been a turbulent year so far for fixed income. As economic growth goes into reverse in the US and other developed markets, Claudia discusses some of the potential implications for emerging debt markets, but also where she feels there could be some compelling investment opportunities going forward.

Tags: M&G Investments, Emerging markets, fixed income
Watch where you step as defaults set to rise

Many investors have grown used to a low default environment in the wake of the global financial crisis, but could this be about to change? As macro concerns build, Global Fixed Income CIO Steve Ellis looks at how different parts of the credit market could react to a rise in defaults and reveals why high yield investors may be taking on more risk than they are being paid for.

Tags: Fidelity, Fixed Income, Europe ex UK, US, Global
Why cash isn't always king

A combination of low savings rates and high inflation has the potential to materially erode the real value of cash holdings over time. With UK inflation showing signs of being broader and stickier than first anticipated, we outline the benefits of short-dated credit as a tool for investors looking to sweat the cash element of a well-diversified portfolio.

Tags: Fidelity, Fixed Income, UK
Asia Q3 outlook - openings and opportunities

Financials markets are at a transition point, with shifting policy and inflation dynamics prompting a “global reset”. Amid this disruption, Global CIO Andrew McCaffery believes Asia stands in a relatively strong position, with China starting to look increasingly attractive as it re-emerges from lockdowns.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Economics, Fixed Income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
China's property downturn may have found a floor

The Chinese government’s will to reform its important property sector is balanced against the more urgent task of reviving a slowing economy. With policy showing signs of softening, we assess what happens next and look at the investment opportunities in ancillary areas related to building maintenance and upgrades.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, fixed income, Asia Pacific ex Japan

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 74