Aberdeen Standard

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There are 78 item(s) tagged with the keyword "abrdn".

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 78

Are global housing markets on the edge?

Housing markets around the world are facing strong headwinds. Household finances and purchasing power are under pressure from falling real incomes, surging household bills and higher borrowing costs.

Tags: abrdn, residential, Real Estate, inflation
Climate transition plans: building a framework to assess corporate credibility

One of abrdn’s strategic priorities is supporting real world decarbonisation, as outlined in our Net Zero Directed Investing strategy. For us, that means allocating capital to credible transition leaders and climate solutions, as well as influencing the firms we invest in through active engagement.

Tags: abrdn, ESG, Environmental, Net Zero, Climate Change
From inflation complacency to inflation myopia

As underlying inflation readings continue to surprise to the upside few central bankers are patient enough to allow the long and variable lags of monetary policy.

Tags: abrdn, monetary policy, Global
Rediscover diversification and revenue with global real estate

Trading conditions since the start of 2022 have been challenging for investors. High inflation, rising interest rates and the prospect of slowing economies have caused considerable volatility in equity and bond markets.

Tags: abrdn, Real Estate, inflation
 Emerging Market Debt - September 2022 review and outlook

Summary of developments in emerging market debt in September 2022 and the outlook going forward. 

Tags: abrdn, fixed income
The thriving private equity secondary market in 2022

Read more about the appeal of the private equity secondaries market. 

Tags: abrdn, alternatives
Inflation – higher for longer?

abrdn consider some of the longer term factors that are exerting upward pressures on inflation. 

Tags: fixed income, inflation, abrdn
Multi-asset – how might you invest when inflation is soaring?

Inflation has reached its highest level in over 40 years. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to drive up global energy and food prices. Ongoing supply-chain bottlenecks and rising labour costs are also boosting inflation. The question for investors is – which strategies might fare best if inflation persists?

Tags: abrdn
Investment IQ Podcast Series: Finimize

Max Rofagha, Founder and CEO of Finimize, joins host Richard Dunbar in the latest episode of the Investment IQ Podcast series. Max and Richard discuss the history of Finimize, how it can tackle the information asymmetry between institutional and retail investors, and how Finimize and abrdn can work together to create a powerhouse for investing information and research. The discussion also touches on the global problem of financial literacy and how 'learning by doing' may be part of the answer. This podcast was recorded in July 2022.

Tags: abrdn, Thought leadership, UK
International small caps: Inflation impacts and opportunities

Smaller companies tend to be more susceptible to inflation risk than their larger peers. However, while the broad asset class may be floundering amid the highest inflation in decades, in our view, compelling opportunities remain among certain high-quality international small caps.

Tags: abrdn, Inflation, smaller companies, Active Equities

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 78