Video: Strategic Thinking – July 2024

In the latest Strategic Thinking video, Alex Pelteshki, co-manager of the Aegon Strategic Bond strategies, discusses the current market environment with central bankers across both sides of the Atlantic rushing to repeat that the path of their policy rates is exclusively data dependent from here on. Alex also talks about the market reaction and the outlook for fixed income, explaining why the team believe there is room for the US Treasury Yield curve to become steeper by year end, making it one of the biggest opportunities out there.

22 Jul 2024

Aegon Asset Management: Video: Strategic Thinking – July 2024

In the latest Strategic Thinking video, Alex Pelteshki, co-manager of the Aegon Strategic Bond strategies, discusses the current market environment with central bankers across both sides of the Atlantic rushing to repeat that the path of their policy rates is exclusively data dependent from here on. Alex also talks about the market reaction and the outlook for fixed income, explaining why the team believe there is room for the US Treasury Yield curve to become steeper by year end, making it one of the biggest opportunities out there.

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