AXA Investment Managers

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There are 22 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Asia".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 22

Deglobalisation is just getting started

The US has pivoted towards protectionism and industrial intervention. The presidential election will help determine the speed of deglobalisation.

Tags: LGIM, Asset allocation, United States, Productivity, Politics, Election, China, Asia, Central banks
Fears about green inflation overblown

Fears that the global transition to a low-carbon economy will drive inflation over the long term are overblown, with the tightening of monetary policy set to have far greater implications for portfolios.

Tags: abrdn, Interest Rates, Emerging Markets, Asia, Net Zero, Responsible Investment
Asian opportunities amid uncertainty - Outlook

Markets have performed well since March 2020, but we believe the wide valuation discrepancies that exist between sectors is not justifiable given the breadth of earnings recovery now being seen.

Tags: Invesco, Asia, Equity, Markets
PODCAST: Comparing the Recovery in US and Emerging Markets - Copy

Franklin Equity Group’s Grant Bowers and Templeton Emerging Markets Equity’s Chetan Sehgal join our Alistair MacDonald for a conversation about the rate of economic recovery in the United States versus emerging market countries and the implications for equity investors.

Tags: Franklin Templeton, Asia, Perspective, Coronavirus, economic recovery, market outlook, technology
The long haul to normalisation

Thailand has been held up as a model of a country that has dealt well with the virus. It has only recorded 59 deaths from Covid-19 and there have been no domestic infections since June (the only cases since then have been people coming into the country). Other countries in the region have also performed well: Singapore and Hong Kong have only recorded a total of 132 deaths between them. You might think that these countries have been able to a large extent to get ‘back to normal’, and that stocks which initially were sold off heavily would have rebounded back to where they started the year.

Tags: Invesco, Asia, equity
Positioning after the rebound

William Lam discusses how he is positioning his Invesco Asian Fund (UK) after the rebound, having outlined 12 weeks earlier – near the trough of the Asian equity market - how he was positioning the fund for a rebound.

Tags: Invesco, Asia, equity, Coronavirus
Positioning for the rebound?

William Lam considers questions that clients may be interested in such as: Have we seen the bottom in Asian stock markets? How is the Asian strategy positioned in these uncertain and volatile times? Is the strategy positioned for a rebound? What can we learn from the Asian experience of the virus in terms of how this might play out in other markets?

Tags: Invesco, Asia, equity, Coronavirus
Five reasons to keep the faith in China - Copy

Amid the coronavirus pandemic and oil price war, our A-share team urges investors to consider why China's stock market is outperforming right now.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Asia Pacific, Asia, Coronavirus
Asia's echoes of the past

With over 20 years of experience investing in Asia, I have invested through both the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997-98 and the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008. When it comes to periods of market downturn, and financial crises, each one is different and nuanced with differing causal effects. This time is different again. It is not about over-leveraging, but it is a global pandemic that we are facing. What began as an outbreak in China has now assumed a global scale. It is not financial distress, rather it is uncertainty about individual health and fear about personal wellbeing everywhere.

Tags: Fidelity, Asia, Teera Chanpongsang
Letter from Hong Kong: We outline our view on the coronavirus and how it impacts China's economic and market outlook.

Wuhan is capital of China’s Hubei province and the epicentre of the current outbreak of novel coronavirus COVID-19. The virus is understood to have originated in a seafood market in the city.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Asia, economics

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 22