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There are 11 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Climate change".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 11

Climate transition bonds: putting capital to work where it's needed

Can investors play a part in the battle against climate change while also seeking attractive financial returns?

Tags: abrdn, Climate Change
Emerging Markets: 4 Reasons Why They Still Matter

Emerging markets (EM) have been out of favour for some time. This asset class, which encompasses a diverse range of countries and economies, has suffered amid heightened geopolitical uncertainty, a strong dollar and the economic disruption from China’s now abandoned ‘zero-Covid’ policy.

Tags: abrdn, Emerging Markets, Responsible investing, Climate Change
Climate transition plans: building a framework to assess corporate credibility

One of abrdn’s strategic priorities is supporting real world decarbonisation, as outlined in our Net Zero Directed Investing strategy. For us, that means allocating capital to credible transition leaders and climate solutions, as well as influencing the firms we invest in through active engagement.

Tags: abrdn, ESG, Environmental, Net Zero, Climate Change
Biodiversity – investor risks and opportunities

Nature is vital for a healthy economy, but the planet faces a crisis as companies, markets and governments have consistently failed to take into account the financial value of biodiversity.

Tags: abrdn, Responsible Investing, Environmental, Climate Change
Russia-Ukraine War: impact on the energy transition

Some three months into the Russian-Ukraine war, our experts look at what this conflict may mean for the world’s struggle to transition to more sustainable energy and how this may affect investors.

Tags: abrdn, Net Zero, Environmental, Climate Change
Climate change – time to consider a multi-asset investment strategy?

Today, half of the articles in investment magazines seem to be about ESG and climate. In our experience, however, very few funds are actually designed with a clear climate goal. We believe this is a missed opportunity.

Tags: abrdn, multi-asset, Climate Change, Responsible investing
The economic importance of biodiversity: Threats and opportunities

Biodiversity—the world’s varied wildlife, plants and habitats—is bound up with the viability of human life, especially food production. Limiting future C02 emissions will be paramount, as climate change is set to become the top threat to biodiversity—and investors have an important role to play. Those companies working to improve biodiversity may present new investing opportunities.

Tags: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Climate change, Environmental Social And Governance
Is the drive to green energy pushing up inflation?

Inflation continues to surge, having reached 7% in the US and nearing 5% in Europe. A major contributor to higher inflation of late has been oil prices, which have surged by over 50% in the past year as consumption outpaced production.

Tags: Fixed income, Credit, Climate Change, ESG
The Climate Emergency and the role investors can play

Urgent action is needed this decade to meet global commitments on climate change. There are compelling long-term opportunities for companies that can actively accelerate the shift to a low carbon economy.

Tags: M&G, ESG, UK, Climate Change
Climate Action Series – Session 1. A climb against time to net-zero.

In the first session of our Climate Action Series, we are joined by Nigel Topping, Climate Action Champion for COP26, and Sir Douglas Flint, the Chairman of Standard Life Aberdeen. In this discussion, they examine the current climate change risks and the pressing need for action in the race to net-zero. They also highlight the policy and sector changes that are needed to tackle climate change. Governments, businesses, investors and customers have a collective responsibility to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG, Climate Change

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 11