AXA Investment Managers

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There are 39 item(s) tagged with the keyword "ESG".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 39

Three big questions for multi-asset investors

The weight of US equities in global markets, a turbulent period for bonds and the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors on performance are three key issues on investors’ minds. In this article, Aviva Investors’ Shane O’Brien discusses what they mean for multi-asset investors.

Tags: Aviva Investors, ESG, bond performance, US equities
Climate transition plans: building a framework to assess corporate credibility

One of abrdn’s strategic priorities is supporting real world decarbonisation, as outlined in our Net Zero Directed Investing strategy. For us, that means allocating capital to credible transition leaders and climate solutions, as well as influencing the firms we invest in through active engagement.

Tags: abrdn, ESG, Environmental, Net Zero, Climate Change
Can ESG survive the backlash?

Paras Anand, Chief Investment Officer at Artemis, examines the case against sustainable investing and whether it will cause change in the industry.


Tags: Artemis, sustainability, ESG
ESG and sustainable investing: navigating adverse weather systems

Hamish Chamberlayne, Head of Global Sustainable Equities, answers key questions on the drivers shaping environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainable investing in 2022 and beyond.

Tags: Janus Henderson, Volatility, ESG
Geopolitical rupture in Europe: long-term investment implications

We need to remain humble and nimble as we assess the changing investment landscape and seek to fulfil our purpose: to create a better future through responsible investing.

Tags: LGIM, Currency, Commodities, Europe, Energy, ESG
Biodiversity loss: the other systemic crisis

In this new series of primers, Adrienn Sarandi, Head of ESG Strategy & Development, and Bhaskar Sastry, ESG Content Manager, examine key sustainability challenges that humanity is facing and will continue to face in coming decades. Biodiversity loss is a crisis which we believe could have systemic impacts akin to climate change. While requirements are at the early stages in terms of corporate disclosure of nature-related risks, investors can still play a positive role. We outline considerations for investors seeking to incorporate biodiversity factors in their portfolios.

Tags: Janus Henderson, Viewpoint, ESG
2022 Sustainable Investing Outlook

Amanda Young is joined by colleagues to explore what we can expect to see on the sustainability agenda for 2022.

Tags: abrdn, ESG
Inflation: stickier but still ultimately transitory

Inflation has surged to 7% in the US and 5% in Europe, and higher prices have now been in the system for a year. With higher readings also seeding higher expectations, is inflation starting to look less transitory?

Tags: abrdn, Fixed income, Credit, interest rates, ESG
Is the drive to green energy pushing up inflation?

Inflation continues to surge, having reached 7% in the US and nearing 5% in Europe. A major contributor to higher inflation of late has been oil prices, which have surged by over 50% in the past year as consumption outpaced production.

Tags: Fixed income, Credit, Climate Change, ESG
Investing amid 'crises of un-differentiation'

The stockmarket is prone to bubbles and crashes. Craig Bonthron explains how the Artemis impact equities team seeks to reduce its exposure to those crises by seeking idiosyncratic sources of return.

Tags: Artemis, sustainability, Impact investing, ESG

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 39