AXA Investment Managers

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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Impact investment".

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Impact and Sustainability: similar but different

While investors’ knowledge about Responsible Investing has generally improved over the past few years, the increasing diversity of thought in the market has created new layers of confusion. Overall, investors are better equipped to grasp the distinctions between ESG and impact investing, but remain rather perplexed about the differences between sustainable and impact investing, often mixing one with the other. From a distance, sustainable and impact investing appear quite similar. A closer look, however, reveals meaningful differences.

Tags: M&G, Impact investment, sustainability
Making a difference (and a return)

The world is facing a rising tide of societal challenges, from the potential chaos associated with the breakdown of our climate, to unsustainable levels of waste and pollution, to vast and growing social inequality. Find out more about how investors are playing an increasingly pivotal role in directing capital to where it is most needed.

Tags: M&G, Impact investment

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2