AXA Investment Managers

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There are 8 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Real Estate".

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8

US logistics and industrials: shifting sands in the supply chain

There is an ongoing shift in logistics away from the West Coast in the US. Read more about our views.

Tags: abrdn, Real Estate
Offices: re-evaluating the FACTS

Flexibility, amenity, connectivity, technology and sustainability (FACTS) are key for future-fit offices. Read more about our views.

Tags: abrdn, Real Estate
Are global housing markets on the edge?

Housing markets around the world are facing strong headwinds. Household finances and purchasing power are under pressure from falling real incomes, surging household bills and higher borrowing costs.

Tags: abrdn, residential, Real Estate, inflation
Rediscover diversification and revenue with global real estate

Trading conditions since the start of 2022 have been challenging for investors. High inflation, rising interest rates and the prospect of slowing economies have caused considerable volatility in equity and bond markets.

Tags: abrdn, Real Estate, inflation
Revolutionising central banking: why 'helicopter money' is the right policy for our times

The speed, depth and breadth of the coronavirus recession is unprecedented. Policymakers cannot avert the near-term pain. But they can limit the permanent scars from this crisis through bold and decisive action.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, alternatives, ESG, fixed income, multi asset, Real Estate
Private markets in a new world

The world is rapidly changing. Three forces will shape the future: technology, demographics and sustainability. The cost of such a transformation will not be cheap. However, private markets are uniquely placed to help fund and build this new world – creating numerous opportunities for investors.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG, Real Estate, Climate Change
Where Bricks Are Beating Clicks

It seems that for every retail mall that closes, a distribution warehouse opens. Franklin Real Asset Advisors outline the opportunities they see in new demand for logistics infrastructure.

Tags: Real Estate, Franklin Templeton
ESG and logistics: the times they are a changin'

When most people think of industrial logistics buildings, factors like energy efficiency, technology and carbon innovation don’t usually spring to mind.

Tags: ESG, UK, Real Estate, Europe, technology

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8