AXA Investment Managers

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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "South America".

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

Emerging market debt: a passing storm?

With volatility returning to the emerging market debt arena in recent weeks, Aaron Grehan discusses what it means for investors.

Tags: emerging markets, volatility, South America, fixed income
Fidelity Rich Pickings June podcast: Market disconnect - time to tread carefully

James Bateman, CIO Multi Asset, Markets Analyst Charlotte Harington, and Portfolio Manager Eugene Philalithis explain why there’s a shift in sentiment over Europe and try to square the mixed messaging coming from central banks. Separately, Portfolio Manager Matt Quaife talks about his concern with credit markets.

Tags: podcast, South America, Euro
BVTV: Time to add Argentina?

After a significant policy error at the end of last year, Argentina has once again found itself in trouble – and back in the headlines –  in recent months, suffering from dented credibility and a fast depreciating peso. This morning on BVTV, I look at whether current levels now offer a buying opportunity.

Tags: South America, emerging markets, oil, Russia

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3