AXA Investment Managers

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There are 4 item(s) tagged with the keyword "central banking".

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

Multi-asset – how might you invest when inflation is soaring?

Inflation has reached its highest level in over 40 years. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to drive up global energy and food prices. Ongoing supply-chain bottlenecks and rising labour costs are also boosting inflation. The question for investors is – which strategies might fare best if inflation persists?

Tags: abrdn, Interest rates, central banking, Multi-Asset
Coronavirus: looking to the long term

In assessing the threats posed by the coronavirus outbreak, governments, central banks, companies and investors must consider scenarios that range from short-lived disruption to a persistent threat with profound implications. All that’s certain is that coronavirus will have a significant impact on the global economy and financial markets – in the short term at least.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Coronavirus, economics, risk, central banking
Goldilocks – fact or fiction?

Over the past 18 months, the term ‘Goldilocks’ has increasingly been used to describe the global economic climate – neither too ‘hot’ to cause rampant inflation, nor too ‘cold’ to fall into recession.

Tags: central banking, economics, global, monetary policy, multi asset, North America, UK
Don't get carried away about US Treasuries

The minutes from the Federal Reserve’s January meeting helped push the yield on the 10-year US Treasury to just shy of 3%.

Tags: central banking, fixed income, global, monetary policy, North America, US

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4