AXA Investment Managers

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There are 9 item(s) tagged with the keyword "energy".

Displaying: 1 - 9 of 9

Is there a risk of another energy crisis in Europe?

Volatile gas prices remain a challenge for Europe. Find out how energy costs may influence the European economy in the months ahead.

Tags: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Markets, Energy, Economic Outlook
The changing shape of Europe's energy transition

Accelerating efforts to achieve a green and secure energy supply are having an impact on the economy and markets.

Tags: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Markets, Energy
European gas - crisis averted or crisis delayed?

European gas - crisis averted or crisis delayed?

Tags: M&G Investments, Energy, Article, Natural gas
From a rock to a hard place: forget inflation, growth is now the big fear

The past month saw a rapid shift in markets from worrying about inflation to worrying about growth. How should investors balance the risks?

Tags: LGIM, interest rates, Central Banks, Energy
How worried should the global oil majors be about stranded assets?

In the latest thinking from M&G's Equity Research team, Michael Rae, Global Energy Analyst, answers key questions on the topic of stranded asset risk at the major oil companies by presenting our opinion on several debates.

Tags: M&G Investments, Equities, Energy
Geopolitical rupture in Europe: long-term investment implications

We need to remain humble and nimble as we assess the changing investment landscape and seek to fulfil our purpose: to create a better future through responsible investing.

Tags: LGIM, Currency, Commodities, Europe, Energy, ESG
Ukraine conflict: assessing the sanctions

The West has imposed a barrage of sanctions on Russia, from hampering its central bank to cutting off some of its banks from SWIFT. What effect will these steps have?

Tags: LGIM, Energy, Equities, Bonds
Running out of cash: how the world is embracing digital payments

From bagels to central banks, global money systems are becoming increasingly digital.

Tags: LGIM blog, ESG, technology, energy, equities
What happens if oil reaches $70?

Ian Samson, Markets Research Analyst, looks at the steep rise in the price of oil over the course of 2017 and discusses what the implications might be for the global economy if oil remains elevated over and above its current price.

Tags: oil, energy, inflation

Displaying: 1 - 9 of 9