AXA Investment Managers

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There are 84 item(s) tagged with the keyword "global".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 84

Global real estate market outlook Q3 2024

What are the the trends in Global real estate? Read more about our outlook.

Tags: abrdn, Global
Market jitters highlight the need for duration

As we move further away from a decade of ultra-loose monetary policy, bonds are once again proving their attractive diversification benefits. Our UK fixed income portfolio managers reflect on the recent bout of market volatility and outline the benefits of duration in an environment where investors are increasingly sensitive to weak macro data.

Tags: Fidelity, Fixed Income, UK, Global
Tech outlook - time to look beyond AI and the 'Magnificent 7'?

Tech stocks have continued to perform well in 2024 relative to the broader market, but there has been wide divergence in returns, even among the ‘Magnificent 7’. Fidelity Global Technology portfolio manager Hyun Ho Sohn outlines why tech themes could broaden out beyond recent high profile winners and discusses some of the underappreciated opportunities he sees across the sector.

Tags: Fidelity, European equities, Equities, US, Asia Pacific ex Japan, Global, Webcast
Positioning for income in a rapidly evolving economic landscape

Portfolio manager Talib Sheikh provides an update on recent positioning moves within Fidelity’s multi asset income range, highlighting the increased exposure to developed market equities. He also shines a light on how the investment process has been adjusted to reflect changing economic scenarios.

Tags: Fidelity, Multi Asset, US, Global, UK
ESG Analyst Survey: Between targets and transition

More and more companies are falling behind in their efforts to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to Fidelity's latest ESG Analyst Survey. But a growing awareness of climate-related risks is reason to believe they will soon ramp up their efforts.

Tags: Fidelity, Sustainable investing, Global
The economy in 2024: Something will give

The economy continues to deliver surprises but we are confident of one thing: if US and other developed world interest rates have not peaked already, then they will do so soon. With growth set to stall, Global Head of Macro and Strategic Asset Allocation Salman Ahmed details four potential scenarios for 2024 and the next leg of a business cycle, which has seen the most intense round of monetary tightening in a generation.

Tags: Fidelity, Economics, Global
Finding resilience and predictability in uncertain times

Recession risks are rising and valuations in pockets of the equity market are starting to look stretched. In this environment, Fidelity Global Dividend Fund portfolio manager Dan Roberts outlines the benefits of valuation discipline and focusing on quality dividend-payers that have the resilience to weather a range of economic scenarios.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Global
CIO market outlook

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery and senior members of our team review current market dynamics and provide an insight into the implications of recent macro and policy developments. They outline how this evolving backdrop is informing our views across asset classes as we head into the final quarter of 2023.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Multi Asset, Economics, Fixed Income, Global
Generative AI: All in or avert interest?

Generative artificial intelligence is the hot technology of the moment. It has the potential to be transformative, but as with other recent technologies - electric vehicles, renewable energy, blockchain - valuations can become detached from fundamentals. Equity research analyst Jonathan Tseng provides an overview of the technology, its risks and where we see investment potential.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, US, Global
Fund update - Multi Asset Income

Fidelity Multi Asset Income range portfolio manager Eugene Philalithis provides an update on the strategy. He discusses key performance drivers over recent months and outlines the key areas of risk and opportunity for income investors in today’s uncertain macro backdrop.

Tags: Fidelity, emerging markets, Asia Pacific ex Japan, global

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 84