AXA Investment Managers

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There are 20 item(s) tagged with the keyword "investment".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 20

Dilemmas for securing income as dividends come under pressure

Income has been thrown firmly in the spotlight this year with dividend cuts happening across the Financials sector and elsewhere, highlighting the importance of diversifying income sources.

Tags: Invesco, fixed interest, investment
Policymakers rethink

Before the coronavirus pandemic, the scope for traditional policy to respond to the next recession was limited. Interest rates in much of the developed world were close to zero, budget constraints left little room for fiscal expansion and central bank balance sheets had already expanded significantly.

Tags: Invesco, fixed interest, investment
Culture clashes and windscreen smashes – now on Netflix
Can Chinese companies transfer their work culture to factories in the US and make a success of it?
Tags: Asia, equity, investment
The Polish economy is bucking the trend – and what this meant for our portfolio

Five years ago, we added an investment idea into the Invesco Global Targeted Returns Strategy that incorporated a view on Polish government bonds. We believed then (and continue to believe now) that there are benefits to be found in holding selective, high-yielding emerging market local currency debt – particularly those with attractive currencies and improving economic indicators and fundamentals.

Tags: global, multi asset, investment
Risk & Reward – A factor-based approach to diversifying oil exposure

Read our latest research on diversifying oil exposure, how patent data can be a predictor of equity returns in innovation-based companies, fixed income factor investing - and China’s second tier cities and the shift toward a consumption-driven economy.

Tags: Risk & Reward, investment
The Fed opens the door to easing policy

Bond yields have rallied strongly since Wednesday’s Fed meeting. At the time of writing the 10-year US Treasury yield is testing 2%. We are not adding duration risk at these low levels of yield. In the UK funds, duration stays low. In the Luxembourg based funds we have reduced duration slightly.

Tags: global, fixed interest, investment
Where now for bonds?

Members of the Henley Fixed Interest team give their view on recent market developments and where they are seeing value in this Q&A.

Tags: global, fixed interest, investment
Beyond Brexit: sourcing sustainable income and alpha opportunities

Exposure to attractively priced UK earnings remains significant: Mark's portfolios have more than twice the exposure to UK sourced revenues as the FTSE All-Share index. Yet global investors are taking an extremely pessimistic view of the future for UK revenues, failing to recognise the underlying health of the UK economy.

Tags: UK, equities, investment
Brexit? Why we see opportunity in UK smaller companies
Tags: UK, UK equity, equity, investment
Amid concerns of a global slowdown, Fed looks likely to act

Are we headed for a global slowdown? Read our latest update on the US Federal Reserve and five key issues to monitor closely in the coming week.

Tags: global, investment, equity

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 20