AXA Investment Managers

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There are 36 item(s) tagged with the keyword "multi asset".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 36

US exceptionalism could continue but diversification still key

One of the most consistent themes in financial markets over the past 15 years has been the outperformance of US equities. A dollar invested in the S&P 500 at the low of the financial crisis in 2009 would now be worth over $10, more than double the return from European equities and around three times the return from UK, emerging markets or Chinese equities. An allocation of 100% US equities would have been difficult to beat. Why have US equities been so successful and will the trend continue?

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Multi Asset, Fixed Income, US
Positioning for income in a rapidly evolving economic landscape

Portfolio manager Talib Sheikh provides an update on recent positioning moves within Fidelity’s multi asset income range, highlighting the increased exposure to developed market equities. He also shines a light on how the investment process has been adjusted to reflect changing economic scenarios.

Tags: Fidelity, Multi Asset, US, Global, UK
The Inflation Battle May Not Be Over

An uptick in some prices could mean higher rates for longer

Tags: T. Rowe Price, multi asset
CIO market outlook

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery and senior members of our team review current market dynamics and provide an insight into the implications of recent macro and policy developments. They outline how this evolving backdrop is informing our views across asset classes as we head into the final quarter of 2023.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Multi Asset, Economics, Fixed Income, Global
The cost of higher for longer

With US labour markets still strong, the Federal Reserve is sticking to its “higher for longer” messaging. Global Head of Macro & Strategic Asset Allocation Salman Ahmed analyses the future direction for inflation and growth and believes the US economy could be in for a shock next year when the impact of higher rates finally start to bite.

Tags: Fidelity, Multi Asset, Economics, US
Tracking net zero progress: Too little, not too late

How orderly will the global net zero transition ultimately turn out to be? Our Global Macro & Strategic Asset Allocation Team assess the latest progress we are seeing and outline why policy shifts - catalysed by the energy crisis - have the potential to speed up progress towards net zero goals.

Tags: Fidelity, Sustainable Investing, Multi Asset, Economics
Credit Suisse rescue underlines the need for caution

Banking sector problems have crossed the Atlantic with UBS agreeing to buy struggling Credit Suisse. While recent events are set to drive further market volatility, we outline why the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the rescue of Credit Suisse are unlikely to mark the start of a systemic event. However, from an asset allocation perspective, a cautious approach is warranted as the sector remains under intense scrutiny.

Tags: Fidelity, Europe ex UK, US, Global, Multi Asset, Economics
Rates overshoot risks inflation bust

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery believes the key risk for investors to watch in 2023 is a central bank-induced sharp recession, or inflation bust. He shares his outlook for the global economy and outlines how investors should think about approaching asset allocation in the year ahead.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, multi asset, economics, Fixed Income, global
Stagflation risks intensify as energy markets take centre stage

As shocking events continue to unfold in Ukraine, and sanctions on Russia tighten, the impact on markets and the policy outlook is growing. Fidelity’s Global Head of Solutions & Multi Asset considers the direction of travel for commodities, inflation and policy moves.

Tags: Fidelity, Multi Asset, Europe ex UK, emerging markets
Bonds: shaken not stirred

Do rising yields signal the end long-term bond bull market that began 40 years ago?

Tags: Invesco, multi asset

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 36