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There are 35 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Aberdeen Standard Investments".

Displaying: 31 - 35 of 35

Podcast: Coronavirus – where from here?

Coronavirus - where have we got to, and how do we see the economic and market landscape from here? After a turbulent few weeks in markets, Richard Dunbar talks to Katy Forbes, Head of Absolute Return in our Multi-Asset Team and Jeremy Lawson, our Chief Economist and Head of the ASI Research Institute.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, podcast, Coronavirus, multi asset
Outlook for UK equities

The UK equity market is one of the longest-established equity markets in the world. A FTSE listing is seen as a badge of honour for companies worldwide. And yet, as we continue into 2020, UK equities can lay a reasonable claim to being one of the most misunderstood asset classes. This offers a compelling opportunity for long-term investors.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, global, UK, politics, economics
Private markets in a new world

The world is rapidly changing. Three forces will shape the future: technology, demographics and sustainability. The cost of such a transformation will not be cheap. However, private markets are uniquely placed to help fund and build this new world – creating numerous opportunities for investors.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG, Real Estate, Climate Change
Letter from Hong Kong: We outline our view on the coronavirus and how it impacts China's economic and market outlook.

Wuhan is capital of China’s Hubei province and the epicentre of the current outbreak of novel coronavirus COVID-19. The virus is understood to have originated in a seafood market in the city.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Asia, economics
Week in review: From epidemic to pandemic?

Coronavirus continues to cast a dark shadow over the global economy, as the number of new cases outside China continues to accelerate.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, multi asset, economics, US

Displaying: 31 - 35 of 35