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There are 35 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Aberdeen Standard Investments".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 35

The ESG 1-2-3 test

Right now, the investment industry feels awash with ESG – environmental, social and governance – messaging, products and services. But how can investors distinguish between asset managers with a truly integrated ESG approach and those with only limited capabilities?

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG
Are oil majors ready to become part of the climate-change solution?

The list of companies making deep pledges on the environment is growing longer by the day. About one-quarter of Fortune 500 businesses now have carbon-neutral targets, with heavyweights such as Danone, Unilever and Vodafone leading the European charge.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments
Taking the temperature on climate change - an investment perspective

December 2020 marked the fifth anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement. For all the promises made during the talks, countries have already fallen woefully behind on their commitments to limit global warming. But could the narrative be shifting? We take a close look.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG
Greenwashing – what it is and how to tackle it

Many people have heard of greenwashing. However, definitions and practices remain vague. We take a look at this phenomenon and ask what it means for investors.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG
Climate Action Series – Session 1. A climb against time to net-zero.

In the first session of our Climate Action Series, we are joined by Nigel Topping, Climate Action Champion for COP26, and Sir Douglas Flint, the Chairman of Standard Life Aberdeen. In this discussion, they examine the current climate change risks and the pressing need for action in the race to net-zero. They also highlight the policy and sector changes that are needed to tackle climate change. Governments, businesses, investors and customers have a collective responsibility to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG, Climate Change
The Responsible Investing Podcast, Ep.11: The growth of impact investing - with Will Goodhart

This week Will Goodhart, erstwhile journalist and now Chief Executive of the UK’s CFA, talks us through his fascinating responsible investment journey. This includes the CFA’s work to help investors understand ESG to the urgent need to view climate change from an investment perspective. He also discusses the exciting work he’s doing as part of the Impact Investing Institute.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments
Sustainable investing in emerging markets – the road ahead

The whole world is feeling the effects of Covid-19 and will do so for some time to come. But just as the coronavirus cripples some immune systems, and leaves others unscathed, the financial impact of containment measures will leave some better off and others destitute.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG, emerging markets
Invest today. Change tomorrow. Making a difference with ESG

At ASI, two areas that typify our approach to ESG are European Equities and Emerging Market Debt. Over the next six articles, we will dig deeper into the respective teams’ beliefs, processes and portfolios – and show what this means for our clients. We hope you find it an enlightening journey.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments
The Responsible Investing Podcast, Ep.5: Thinking outside the vacuum – with Stephanie Kelly

In our fifth Responsible Investing podcast, we talk to Stephanie Kelly, Senior Political Economist in the Aberdeen Standard Investments Research Institute. In a wide-ranging interview, Steph talks us through her team’s innovative global Country ESG Index, discusses the huge importance of the upcoming US election and explains why she always carries her own straw. As we said: wide-ranging.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, ESG, politics, economics
Asia after the storm

The world has been battered by the coronavirus pandemic this year. Most economic activity was suspended as many of us spent our days confined to our homes.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 35