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There are 35 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Aberdeen Standard Investments".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 35

Flexibility needed to counter COVID-19 impact

We highlight three courses of action for investors to navigate portfolios through the second half of 2020.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments
Resilient and adaptive – the mid-caps showing their might

Abby Glennie, Investment Director at Aberdeen Standard Investments, considers the effects of Covid-19 on the diverse investment universe of medium-sized companies.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Active Equities, Coronavirus, UK
Workers' welfare – are companies putting their people first?

How companies are treating their workforce during the Covid-19 pandemic is under intense scrutiny. The world is watching whether firms are protecting the welfare of their staff or if they are prioritising profit over the health and wellbeing of their people.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, economics, ESG, UK, Governance, Coronavirus
Dividends done?

A look at what the coronavirus crisis means for income investors, by Will James

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Active Equities, economics, politics
Revolutionising central banking: why 'helicopter money' is the right policy for our times

The speed, depth and breadth of the coronavirus recession is unprecedented. Policymakers cannot avert the near-term pain. But they can limit the permanent scars from this crisis through bold and decisive action.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, alternatives, ESG, fixed income, multi asset, Real Estate
Five reasons to keep the faith in China - Copy

Amid the coronavirus pandemic and oil price war, our A-share team urges investors to consider why China's stock market is outperforming right now.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Asia Pacific, Asia, Coronavirus
Perspective on a pandemic

Financial markets are attempting to price in a rapid and unprecedented series of shocks to the world economy. The net result has been the fastest bear market in the history of equities. Should investors buy or sell even at these depressed levels for the FTSE100?

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, fixed income, economics, Coronavirus
Emerging markets in the time of novel coronavirus

Emerging markets (EMs) are not immune to coronavirus-induced global market shocks.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments
Panic-selling creates opportunities in Europe

The coronavirus situation is developing rapidly. Italy is in lockdown, confirmed cases are rising across the rest of Europe and the US, and there is a huge global effort to contain the virus. On Thursday last week, European shares suffered their biggest one-day plunge since 1987. Panic appears to have gripped markets.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Europe, European equities, Coronavirus
Coronavirus: looking to the long term

In assessing the threats posed by the coronavirus outbreak, governments, central banks, companies and investors must consider scenarios that range from short-lived disruption to a persistent threat with profound implications. All that’s certain is that coronavirus will have a significant impact on the global economy and financial markets – in the short term at least.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Coronavirus, economics, risk, central banking

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 35