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There are 82 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Aviva Investors".

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 82

Multi-Asset Quarterly Update July 2023

Sotirios Nakos, Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager, and Alessandra Legnante, Business Development Manager discuss the key market themes over the past quarter, assess performance and provide an outlook for the next quarter.

Tags: Aviva Investors
Five charts for multi-asset investors

What does the data say? Our monthly data-inspired series

Tags: Aviva Investors
Why are we waiting?

Time for UK infrastructure to pick up pace

Tags: Aviva Investors
Three charts multi-asset investors should know about

Bond yields have reached their highest levels in a decade. Yet the question still needs to be asked. In a world with higher inflation and a higher “risk-free” rate, do newly issued corporate and government bonds offer decent value?

Tags: Aviva Investors
Integrating ESG in multi-strategy portfolios

Multi-strategy portfolios have come a long way in embedding ESG into the investment process, but there are gaps to fill, as Jennie Byun explains.

Tags: Aviva Investors
Multi-asset allocation views

The interlinked nature of multiple global events – known as the polycrisis – can create challenges and opportunities for investors. 

Tags: Aviva Investors
Five charts on financial fragilities

What does the data say? Our monthly data-inspired series

Tags: Aviva Investors
Forget what you think you know

Staying humble in a world of rising risk

Tags: Aviva Investors
Getting a taste for fiscal intervention, but at what cost?

Fiscal intervention is, again, a vital part of the government policy toolkit, supporting plans to boost domestic industries and fight climate change. But while well-intended, such measures will add to already elevated debt levels, with significant implications for investors, as Michael Grady explains.

Tags: Aviva Investors
Multi-asset investing - The five big questions for 2023

Sunil Krishnan looks back at 2022, and outlines what multi-asset investors should look out for in 2023.

Tags: Aviva Investors

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 82