BNY Mellon

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There are 26 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Bonds".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 26

Japan versus global inflation

Numerous factors are putting upward pressure on prices in Japan, and the yen is acting as an escape valve for the central bank's yield curve control policy.

Tags: LGIM, Currency, Japan, Oil, Equities, Bonds
Can emerging markets withstand a stronger dollar?

The taper tantrum of 2013 showed how sensitive emerging markets (EMs) were to higher US rates, but there are some important differences this time around.

Tags: LGIM, commodities, Oil, Bonds
Allocations for inflation (part 3): when bond theories collide

In the third part of our series exploring the asset-allocation response to inflation, we look at the implications for fixed income.

Tags: LGIM, emerging markets, interest rates, multi-asset, Bonds
Ukraine conflict: assessing the sanctions

The West has imposed a barrage of sanctions on Russia, from hampering its central bank to cutting off some of its banks from SWIFT. What effect will these steps have?

Tags: LGIM, Energy, Equities, Bonds
Taking stock of our bullish view

Taking a step back from day-to-day market movements, we have reflected on our team's overall investment strategy outlook and economic thinking. An update of our established framework of recession indicators suggests that the economy has moved into late cycle much faster than we expected. This makes our bullish view on equities more tactical than it was before.

Tags: LGIM, Bonds, Equities, multi-asset, credit
Questions for 2022: expected inflation, unexpected implications

Everyone seems to agree rates will need to go up. Few have confidence about how high. And there’s even less clarity about how inflation will be affected by potential megatrends: climate-related border taxes, global work from home forever, and post-pandemic early retirement.

Tags: Bonds, Inflation, Retirement, LGIM
Stand aside, economists; send me a meteorologist

The largest central banks may expect the inflation storm to pass, but they can’t predict the weather – which may have important implications for commodity prices, inflation, and multi-asset investors.

Tags: LGIM, Inflation, Bonds, Equities, multi-asset
China in 10 charts

Investing in the right active strategy will be key as momentum for China’s V-shaped rebound moderates once the rest of the world recovers and Beijing normalises policy.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, China, multi-asset, bonds
The turmoil in Washington and Joe Biden's first 100 days

After Trump loyalists stormed the US Capitol building, we discuss the president elect’s near-term priorities, from the pandemic to national unity.

Tags: LGIM, bonds, equities
Brexit: What the EU trade deal means for the UK economy

From negative rates to political risk, we discuss how the trade pact, agreed last week, might shape the UK economic and policy outlook.

Tags: LGIM, bonds, equities, Index, Investment Solutions

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 26