BNY Mellon

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There are 62 item(s) tagged with the keyword "M&G Investments".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 62

Seeking opportunities at the front-end of the yield curve

Short-dated corporate bonds solution could be an attractive option for those investors concerned about interest rate rises and volatility in 2023-24

Tags: M&G Investments
Back to the future: why we're positive on the outlook for fixed income

2022 was a turbulent year for investors and fund managers across the board and, as an asset class, fixed income sold off sharply too. 

Tags: M&G Investments
Listed Infrastructure: growth driven by multi-decade trends

Not only are infrastructure assets critical for everyday activities, we believe they are also going to be an essential part of tomorrow’s world

Tags: M&G Investments
Investing for a new dawn

Richard Woolnough, fund manager at M&G Investments, explains why a flexible approach to fixed income investing could be warranted at this juncture

Tags: M&G Investments
Excellent outlook for bond investments

The returns available on bonds and other fixed income investments could in our opinion be more attractive than ever

Tags: M&G Investments
The Japan opportunity

We believe Japanese equities represent a compelling long-term investment opportunity. In our view, they offer the potential for attractive returns over the coming years. While there are some short-term tactical considerations that might keep some investors on the side-lines, these should be considered in the context of the overall opportunity set for the asset class.

Tags: M&G Investments
Global Equities - The Value Revival

Finding opportunities for global equities in the current market environment. 

Tags: M&G Investments
Why we're seeing opportunities in Investment Grade Credit

M&G’s Ben Lord highlights the attractions of investment grade (IG) credit in the current economic conditions

Tags: M&G Investments
Five numbers that show circularity is all around us

Here are five numbers which demonstrate innovation can overcome the flaws of an old-world linear economic model

Tags: M&G Investments
How listed infrastructure offers inflation protection

Our investment strategy aims to boost investors’ returns to derive greater value from their capital and to protect them from inflation

Tags: M&G Investments

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 62