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There are 62 item(s) tagged with the keyword "M&G Investments".

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 62

How worried should the global oil majors be about stranded assets?

In the latest thinking from M&G's Equity Research team, Michael Rae, Global Energy Analyst, answers key questions on the topic of stranded asset risk at the major oil companies by presenting our opinion on several debates.

Tags: M&G Investments, Equities, Energy
Is this value rally a blip or the start of a long-awaited comeback?

We are repeatedly being asked whether the current value rally is a blip or the long-awaited comeback. The answer is of course “we don’t know”. Any true value investor, unlike our growth cousins, is always wary of pretending to know very much about the future. But given we keep getting asked the question we probably should at least try to answer it. 

Tags: M&G Investments, Equities
Reconnecting global supply chains

Global equities delivered the worst monthly return in April since the beginning of the pandemic, and correlated sell offs across equity and bond markets have continued into May. Investors are weighing the prospects of recession as central banks tighten the screws to tackle inflation. Inflationary pressures are driving up input prices whilst companies are still dealing with sporadic supply-side pressures. Building supply-chain resilience is firmly on the agenda of governments and companies alike. Investment Specialist, Kirsty Clark reviews recent market performance and looks at how companies are improving supply-chain resilience.  

Tags: M&G Investments, Supply disruptions, Consumer Demand, Equity Markets
Maximising opportunities in sustainable multi asset investing

In the past few years, both individuals and institutions have been increasingly considering the social and environmental impact of their investments, alongside the financial prospects. This has taken place against a backdrop of uncertainty within global financial markets that has been driven in large part by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Tags: M&G Investments
Growth...with inflation?

Risk assets tumbled in November as markets digested the likely impact of the COVID-19 ‘Omicron’ variant. The good news is that corporates are in decent shape heading into 2022, but a number of risks remain. Investment Specialist, Kirsty Clark reviews recent market performance and the challenges contributing to rising uncertainty into year-end.

Tags: M&G Investments
M&G scoots in to invest in the sustainable transport revolution through TIER Mobility

TIER is Europe’s leading shared micro-mobility provider enabling cities to create more sustainable environments

Tags: Sustainable and responsible investing, M&G Investments
No time to waste - The SDG reckoning

Two thirds of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals at risk of not being met – M&G’s latest SDG Reckoning report finds.

Tags: Sustainable and responsible investing, M&G Investments
A close look at the US labour market

 In 2020, the impact of the pandemic on the US labour market was unprecedented, with the unemployment rate in the country hitting 14.8% at its peak and the number of unemployed soaring, from some 7 million to over 23 million. In this brief note we take a close look at the US labour market today and discuss why it is important for investors to watch in the coming months.

Tags: M&G Investments, multi-asset, Macroeconomics, Inflation, US, Asset allocation
Countdown to COP26

Ahead of COP26, we asked four of our sustainability and impact investing experts – Ben Constable-Maxwell, Rachel Roddy, Randeep Somel and John William Olsen – to discuss the upcoming climate change summit. Join us as we launch our ‘Countdown to COP26’ investment insights video series discussing key industry themes

Tags: M&G Investments, Impact investing, video
Carbon capture – no longer a pipe dream?

Highlights from the “Carbon capture – no longer a pipe dream?” virtual event

Tags: M&G Investments

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 62