BNY Mellon

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There are 43 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Multi-Asset".

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 43

Inflation - they think it's all over

They think it’s all over

Tags: Aegon Asset Management, multi-asset
Diversified income review and outlook

This note provides an overview of the main developments within our diversified income strategy in 2022 and how we are positioned for 2023 and beyond.

Tags: Multi-Asset, Aegon Asset Management
A world of opportunities awaits us

There is no use predicting market turns or keeping your eye on the price index. For the medium-to-long-term investment period we recommend, it is high time to put together a strong, diversified portfolio – while keeping a portion of liquid assets.

Tags: M&G Investments, multi-asset, inflation
Multi-asset – how might you invest when inflation is soaring?

Inflation has reached its highest level in over 40 years. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to drive up global energy and food prices. Ongoing supply-chain bottlenecks and rising labour costs are also boosting inflation. The question for investors is – which strategies might fare best if inflation persists?

Tags: abrdn, Interest rates, central banking, Multi-Asset
Climate change – time to consider a multi-asset investment strategy?

Today, half of the articles in investment magazines seem to be about ESG and climate. In our experience, however, very few funds are actually designed with a clear climate goal. We believe this is a missed opportunity.

Tags: abrdn, multi-asset, Climate Change, Responsible investing
Wealth transfer: how to prepare for the responsible heirs

The advice market is currently being buoyed by the needs of the wealthiest demographic: the baby boomers, who were born between 1946 and 1964. As boomers age, though, we will start to see a wealth transfer take place. In the UK, we expect £5.5 trillion of assets will be passed down between now and 2050. On a global basis, around $68 trillion is forecast to change hands.

Tags: abrdn, UK, Multi-Asset
Allocations for inflation (part 3): when bond theories collide

In the third part of our series exploring the asset-allocation response to inflation, we look at the implications for fixed income.

Tags: LGIM, emerging markets, interest rates, multi-asset, Bonds
Ukraine conflict: recession risks, long-term scenarios and market sentiment

As the conflict in Ukraine leads to a humanitarian crisis, we consider how the invasion could shape the economic outlook and where market sentiment could go from here.

Tags: LGIM, volatility, multi-asset
Ukraine crisis - what are the potential economic and market implications?

As the Ukraine crisis unfolds, Fidelity’s Global CIO Andrew McCaffery reviews recent developments and outlines potential implications for economies, markets and asset allocation decisions.

Tags: multi-asset, Fixed Income, Emerging Markets, Global, Fidelity
Taking stock of our bullish view

Taking a step back from day-to-day market movements, we have reflected on our team's overall investment strategy outlook and economic thinking. An update of our established framework of recession indicators suggests that the economy has moved into late cycle much faster than we expected. This makes our bullish view on equities more tactical than it was before.

Tags: LGIM, Bonds, Equities, multi-asset, credit

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 43