BNY Mellon

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There are 43 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Multi-Asset".

Displaying: 41 - 43 of 43

A close look at the US labour market

 In 2020, the impact of the pandemic on the US labour market was unprecedented, with the unemployment rate in the country hitting 14.8% at its peak and the number of unemployed soaring, from some 7 million to over 23 million. In this brief note we take a close look at the US labour market today and discuss why it is important for investors to watch in the coming months.

Tags: M&G Investments, multi-asset, Macroeconomics, Inflation, US, Asset allocation
Stand aside, economists; send me a meteorologist

The largest central banks may expect the inflation storm to pass, but they can’t predict the weather – which may have important implications for commodity prices, inflation, and multi-asset investors.

Tags: LGIM, Inflation, Bonds, Equities, multi-asset
China in 10 charts

Investing in the right active strategy will be key as momentum for China’s V-shaped rebound moderates once the rest of the world recovers and Beijing normalises policy.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, China, multi-asset, bonds

Displaying: 41 - 43 of 43