BNY Mellon

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There are 104 item(s) tagged with the keyword "equities".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 104

Bridging the funding gap for UK Small quoted companies

As economic growth stalls and fewer small and medium-sized businesses choose to list in the UK, we explore policy measures that could help provide a boost to the sector.

Tags: Invesco, equities
Attractive yields but narrow spreads - The credit dilemma

Even after the late-year “Santa” rally, all-in yields in many credit sectors are near multi-decade highs, making it tempting to portfolio managers to have overweight credit allocations to maximize the yield opportunity. But credit spreads are relatively narrow and the distinct risk of an economic or financial market recession looms eventually, so managers might opt to underweight credit sectors.  

Tags: T. Rowe Price, fixed income, Equities
Market Watch: International Divergence

In this edition of Market Watch, Shamik Dhar, Chief Economist at BNY Mellon Investment Management, explores the persistent theme of divergence from 2023 continuing into 2024. Dhar delves into facets, including the weakening US labour market and geopolitical tensions around the Red Sea, that might mitigate the potential for a US soft landing.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Macroeconomics, Fixed Income, Equities
Quarterly Equities and Multi Asset Outlook – Q1 2024

Energy transition: Beyond renewables

Tags: equities, M&G Investments
Pricing power and balance

Portfolio managers Sam Morse and Marcel Stotzel review the challenges and complexities facing investors in Continental European equity markets. As the outlook across the region remains precariously balanced, they discuss why a balanced portfolio of sustainable dividend payers with strong pricing power has the potential to navigate a challenging macro backdrop.

Tags: Fidelity, Investment Trusts, Equities, UK
Finding resilience and predictability in uncertain times

Recession risks are rising and valuations in pockets of the equity market are starting to look stretched. In this environment, Fidelity Global Dividend Fund portfolio manager Dan Roberts outlines the benefits of valuation discipline and focusing on quality dividend-payers that have the resilience to weather a range of economic scenarios.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Global
Quarterly Equities and Multi Asset Outlook - Landing in the dark

As abhorrent as recent events in the Middle East have been, financial markets have, for now, taken these events in their stride, with some flight to safety in public markets, but fairly mild reactions overall.

Tags: M&G Investments, Review, Macroeconomics and politics, Multi-asset, Equities, Outlook
The cash conundrum

Five things to know about cash, saving and investing

Tags: Aviva Investors, Equities, Economic Research, Multi-asset & Macro
The Asia opportunity – looking for smarter growth

We all know Asia is the largest continent on earth, both in terms of land area and population. However, economically, the region stands out too, with some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, including China, India and Indonesia. According to the International Monetary Fund, Asia is estimated to contribute around 70% of global growth this year.

Tags: M&G Investments, Asia Pacific, Equities
UK equities - down but not out

While the UK macro picture remains challenging, portfolio manager Alex Wright believes investment opportunities are still available for those who know where to look. He reviews recent market movements and highlights how Fidelity Special Situations & Special Values PLC are positioned to capitalise on unloved areas with overlooked potential.

Tags: Fidelity, Investment Trusts, Equities, UK

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 104