BNY Mellon

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There are 104 item(s) tagged with the keyword "equities".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 104

How important is face-to-face research for you?

Murdo Maclean, client investment manager, discusses how Walter Scott's research process emphasises face-to-face meetings which is an important tool to inform the strategy for the longer-term.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Thematics, Equities, video
Incoming: is a value renaissance on the cards?

Three of Newton’s income portfolio managers share their outlooks on equity income, dividends, and value investing. Are we poised for a change in equity market leadership?

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Equities, Thematics, Macroeconomics
A change in equity market leadership?

Newton portfolio manager Jon Bell assesses the potential fate of income stocks in an investment landscape no longer characterised by ‘free money’.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Technology, Equities, Macroeconomics
Equity income megatrends

Four themes reshaping the landscape for income investors

Tags: Aviva Investors, Income Investing, Income, equities
UK smaller companies: Q1 2024 market review and outlook

What were the key events driving the market in Q1 2024 and how did the trust perform? In this video, fund manager Robin West discusses UK interest rates, inflation and recent performance, plus how he sees the economy and market progressing in 2024.

Tags: EQUITIES, Invesco
Equity investors navigate pivotal change

Walter Scott’s Alan Edington outlines the pivotal issues facing equity markets and explains why he thinks certain companies could weather potential consequences.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Technology, Sectors, Macroeconomics, Equities
Pivotal moments

Economists and portfolio managers from BNY Mellon Investment Management share ‘pivotal moments’ of recent years and how they have influenced macroeconomic and market trends

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Thematics, technology, Equities, sustainability, Macroeconomics, Fixed Income
The importance of quality

Walter Scott client investment manager George Dent considers the macroeconomic backdrop in 2024 and what pressures companies could face

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Equities, Macroeconomics
The Big Spend – Investing in the Real World

Trillions of new spending is being poured into renewal and expansion of critical physical infrastructure. Investors need to be ready to pick the best opportunities.

Tags: J O Hambro Capital Management, Investments, Asset Allocation, Equities, Global Equities
Mettler Toledo: a picture of consistency

Walter Scott client investment manager Murdo MacLean profiles Mettler Toledo, a Swiss-headquartered, US-listed manufacturer of precision weighing and analytical equipment.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Technology, Sectors, Equities

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 104