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There are 104 item(s) tagged with the keyword "equities".

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 104

Rates overshoot risks inflation bust

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery believes the key risk for investors to watch in 2023 is a central bank-induced sharp recession, or inflation bust. He shares his outlook for the global economy and outlines how investors should think about approaching asset allocation in the year ahead.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, multi asset, economics, Fixed Income, global
China macro and policy insights: Stability in an unstable global market?

Fidelity Global CIO Andrew McCaffery and our locally based experts review the economic and investment outlook for China. From the upcoming National Congress to the potential easing of Covid control measures, they debate the key issues facing investors and how markets could react over the coming months.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, economics, fixed income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Asia Q4 outlook - Potential bright spot amid a challenging winter

With recessions looming over most developed markets, Asia is marching to a different beat this winter. Against this backdrop, Global CIO Andrew McCaffery explains why Asia’s key economies serve as a useful diversifier, with more policy certainty potentially coming from the Chinese Party Congress this October.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Economics, Fixed Income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
A sustained value comeback?

After a long period of underperformance, value investing has been making a comeback over the past year or so. Against this backdrop, Nitin Bajaj, portfolio manager of Fidelity Asian Values PLC & the Fidelity Asian Smaller Companies Fund, outlines how his portfolios have benefited from this environment and provides an insight into the value areas which still offer unrecognised investment potential.

Tags: Fidelity, Investment Trusts, Equities, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Fund update - Emerging Markets

Fidelity Emerging Markets portfolio manager Nick Price provides an update on the strategy. Following a tumultuous period in developing markets, he discusses how he is positioning the portfolio amid ongoing uncertainty, while also outlining the key areas of opportunity across this large and diverse investment universe.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, emerging markets
Asia Q3 outlook - openings and opportunities

Financials markets are at a transition point, with shifting policy and inflation dynamics prompting a “global reset”. Amid this disruption, Global CIO Andrew McCaffery believes Asia stands in a relatively strong position, with China starting to look increasingly attractive as it re-emerges from lockdowns.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Economics, Fixed Income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
China's property downturn may have found a floor

The Chinese government’s will to reform its important property sector is balanced against the more urgent task of reviving a slowing economy. With policy showing signs of softening, we assess what happens next and look at the investment opportunities in ancillary areas related to building maintenance and upgrades.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, fixed income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Japan versus global inflation

Numerous factors are putting upward pressure on prices in Japan, and the yen is acting as an escape valve for the central bank's yield curve control policy.

Tags: LGIM, Currency, Japan, Oil, Equities, Bonds
How worried should the global oil majors be about stranded assets?

In the latest thinking from M&G's Equity Research team, Michael Rae, Global Energy Analyst, answers key questions on the topic of stranded asset risk at the major oil companies by presenting our opinion on several debates.

Tags: M&G Investments, Equities, Energy
Big brands need to clean up on plastics

The recent UN treaty on global plastics is a big step towards reducing the millions of tons of plastic seeping into the environment. As governments get to work on the details, find out how we are pressing consumer companies to deliver real world solutions to one of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Tags: Fidelity, global, Sustainable Investing, equities

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 104