BNY Mellon

Search Result(s)

There are 22 item(s) tagged with the keyword "interest rates".

Displaying: 21 - 22 of 22

Global markets: Ripping up the playbook...

The end of unconventional monetary policy is affecting financial markets in complex and unpredictable ways. In this article Jacob de Tusch-Lec examines the implications – and how the fund is positioned to benefit.

Tags: income, global, equities, quantitative easing, interest rates, outlook, fundamentals
BVTV: A look at the US and UK bond markets

With new Fed Chair Jerome Powell now in the hot seat, bond investors are keen to understand whether he will be more hawkish than his predecessor, Janet Yellen. Turning to the UK, the market is now pricing in a high probability that the Monetary Policy Committee hikes interest rates in May, but the flattening of the gilt curve may suggest the market doesn’t entirely share the Bank of England’s optimism on the UK economy.

Tags: US, interest rates

Displaying: 21 - 22 of 22