BNY Mellon

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There are 18 item(s) tagged with the keyword "podcast".

Displaying: 11 - 18 of 18

Podcast: Coronavirus – where from here?

Coronavirus - where have we got to, and how do we see the economic and market landscape from here? After a turbulent few weeks in markets, Richard Dunbar talks to Katy Forbes, Head of Absolute Return in our Multi-Asset Team and Jeremy Lawson, our Chief Economist and Head of the ASI Research Institute.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, podcast, Coronavirus, multi asset
The AIQ Podcast: The psychology of climate change

The latest episode of The AIQ Podcast explores the psychology of climate change and how to engage individuals in the quest for solutions.

Tags: Aviva, podcast
The AIQ Podcast: Ethics & Alpha - by Steve Waygood

Does investing responsibly mean sacrificing returns? Such a seemingly simple and innocuous question can cause all manner of confusion.

Tags: podcast
Fidelity Rich Pickings June podcast: Market disconnect - time to tread carefully

James Bateman, CIO Multi Asset, Markets Analyst Charlotte Harington, and Portfolio Manager Eugene Philalithis explain why there’s a shift in sentiment over Europe and try to square the mixed messaging coming from central banks. Separately, Portfolio Manager Matt Quaife talks about his concern with credit markets.

Tags: podcast, South America, Euro
Asset Allocation Podcast: Tough but not terrible

Portfolio Manager Pek Ng, Research Analyst Ian Samson, and James Bateman, Chief Investment Officer, explain their positioning and the need to be more active on equities.

Tags: markets, fixed income, Donald Trump, US, China, equities, inflation, podcast
Asset Allocation Podcast: Hedging for global growth concerns

Fidelity’s asset allocation group gather to discuss how they are positioned this month - and here you can listen in on their March debrief, hosted by Richard Edgar, Editor in Chief.

Tags: markets, fixed income, Donald Trump, US, China, equities, inflation, podcast
Asset Allocation Podcast: Changing patterns - a return to normal?

Fidelity’s asset allocation group gather to discuss how they are positioned this month - and here you can listen in on their February debrief, hosted by Richard Edgar, Editor in Chief.

Tags: investment, investing, asset allocation, markets, podcast
Market Know-How: Pro-growth, Pro-equity, Pro-reality

We expect the global expansion to continue in 2018, and so we remain optimistic about the forward path for risk assets.

Tags: EMEA, socioeconomics, emerging markets, podcast

Displaying: 11 - 18 of 18