Search Result(s)

There are 43 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Multi-Asset".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 43

Are interest rates cuts in jeopardy?

Talk of early 2024 US rate cuts, which spurred a strong rally in bonds and equities globally, has seen a significant reversal.

Tags: Columbia Threadneedle, Multi-Asset
Quarterly Equities and Multi Asset Outlook - Landing in the dark

As abhorrent as recent events in the Middle East have been, financial markets have, for now, taken these events in their stride, with some flight to safety in public markets, but fairly mild reactions overall.

Tags: M&G Investments, Review, Macroeconomics and politics, Multi-asset, Equities, Outlook
Why bonds are back in favour

Newton head of mixed assets investment Paul Flood on why bonds are playing a bigger role in multi-asset strategies.

Tags: Asset allocation, Bonds, Multi-Asset, Inside the Fund Manager's Head
Is cash still king?

Newton head of mixed assets investment Paul Flood on the role of cash in multi-asset strategies.

Tags: Cash, Asset allocation, Bonds, Multi-Asset, Inside the Fund Manager's Head
How is the moderate strategy allocated

Newton head of mixed assets investment Paul Flood talks about what he thinks makes a 'moderate' asset allocation. 

Tags: Asset allocation, Bonds, Multi-Asset, Inside the Fund Manager's Head
Is it your duty to have another look at CIP outsourcing?

As well as saving you time and money, CIP outsourcing could help you mitigate risk.

Tags: abrdn, multi-asset
Global Market Outlook: Are interest rates set to fall?

Inflation is moving in the right direction and the US is seemingly at or near peak interest rates. What about the UK and Europe?

Tags: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, Multi-Asset
Has the Bank of England got it all wrong?

The Bank of England is suggesting inflation is becoming embedded in the UK so rates may stay high for longer; possibly at their current level for two years. Could it be that the Bank has got it wrong? Steven Bell, Chief Economist EMEA, explains why he thinks this may be the case.

Tags: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, Multi-Asset
Investing in passive funds over the long term

How do passive multi-manager funds stay in line with client needs?

Tags: abrdn, multi-asset
Video: Multi Asset Macro Update June 2023

Aegon AM’s Head of Macro Strategy Frank Rybinski (CFA), shares his insights on what he expects the Fed to do next and the monetary outlook for the remainder of 2023. Frank also discusses how he feels investors should position themselves for the environment ahead.

Tags: Aegon Asset Management, Macro, Multi-Asset

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 43