J O Hambro Capital Management

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There are 28 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Ninety One".

Displaying: 21 - 28 of 28

Cheap and cheerful: why value investors can look forward with optimism

Value equities remain extremely cheap, and several catalysts that could drive a value rally are lining up.

Tags: Ninety One
We are Facebook

It’s easy to get swept along with popular narratives about society’s bogeymen, like the idea that social media is a force for evil. Oftentimes, these narratives say more about us than they do about the issue in question.

Tags: Ninety One
Investing for a World of Change

A net zero portfolio is a very different thing to achieving net zero in the real economy by 2050.

Tags: Ninety One
Retirement should be enjoyed, not endured

With the average UK life expectancy being 82, one of the greatest challenges facing people living in the UK is the ability to fund a 30+ year retirement, whilst ensuring that their pension pot can support their expected standard of living.

Tags: Ninety One
Show me the value

If markets tend to overreact to bad news, where does that leave stocks after a year like 2020? Ninety One’s Value portfolio managers explain why value approaches could be valuable to investors next year and beyond.

Tags: Ninety One
Quality investing in uncertain times

Simon Brazier, Portfolio Manager of the Ninety One UK Alpha Fund, discusses why an investment focus on world-leading companies could be ideal for the uncertain times where living through.  He is joined by Mark Colegate from Asset TV and the wider Quality investment team at Ninety One.

Tags: Ninety One
Income strength and sustainability

Income has taken a hit. John Stopford and Jason Borbora-Sheen offer a way forward through a focus on strong and sustainable income.

Tags: Ninety One
How close are we to the introduction of 'shock and awe' policies?

The impact of the coronavirus is being felt throughout the world, with global growth expectations being revised down sharply and many suggesting a global recession is now inevitable. The decision by Saudi Arabia over the weekend to slash the price of oil, following a failed attempt to get Russia to agree to supply restrictions in response to falling global demand was the tipping point for financial markets.

Tags: Ninety One

Displaying: 21 - 28 of 28