J.P. Morgan Asset Management

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There are 86 item(s) tagged with the keyword "LGIM".

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 86

What is the metaverse, and is it really the next big thing?

In the first of a two-part blog, we delve into the metaverse, and consider how far the vision is from becoming a (virtual) reality.

Tags: LGIM, Technology, Equities
Not just hot air: a global gas crisis looms

After years of underinvestment, the world is in the early stages of a potential global gas crisis. But with ambitious global climate targets largely incompatible with natural gas demand, uncertainty abounds.

Tags: LGIM
Taking stock of our bullish view

Taking a step back from day-to-day market movements, we have reflected on our team's overall investment strategy outlook and economic thinking. An update of our established framework of recession indicators suggests that the economy has moved into late cycle much faster than we expected. This makes our bullish view on equities more tactical than it was before.

Tags: LGIM, Bonds, Equities, multi-asset, credit
The role of commodities in strategic asset allocation

Commodity investments can provide diversification and hedging benefits against inflation risk, but are not a panacea. Good performance in inflationary periods has historically been offset by lower long-term return expectations. Our view of the trade-off suggests commodities can play a role in portfolios, bringing beneficial diversification potential, when needed.

Tags: LGIM
Bank of England: reaction to the latest hike from our experts

LGIM review the Bank of England's decision to increase its interest rate to 0.50% and the implications for the economy, gilts, and corporate bonds.

Tags: LGIM
New year, new narrative

Even though 2022 has begun with an abrupt change in the macro narrative, stoked by the Fed, we hold the line on our bullish outlook for risk assets.

Tags: LGIM, Outlook, Q1 Outlook
Tuning into the FM signal

Frontier markets (FMs) have performed well in recent months. Have valuations now become stretched?

Tags: LGIM
Are we on the cusp of another Roaring Twenties?

Even though we're only a few weeks into the new year, investors have already seen some significant moves in markets. In a special CIO call, we discussed how they might play out.

Tags: LGIM
Great accelerations: reviewing sustainability policy in 2021

2021 could be described as a 'great acceleration' for sustainability policy: political leaders and policymakers committed to significant reforms, and empowered companies and industries to act. But are these reforms far-reaching or fast enough?

Tags: LGIM
Maximum employment

The US Federal Reserve's (Fed's) hawkish pivot has gathered pace in recent weeks as inflation and labour-market developments have forced a reassessment of maximum employment. The overheating risks we have been worrying about appear to have arrived earlier than expected.

Tags: LGIM

Displaying: 31 - 40 of 86