J.P. Morgan Asset Management

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There are 86 item(s) tagged with the keyword "LGIM".

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 86

COP26: collaboration on a scale I've never before encountered in my career

For responsible investors, divestment can have unintended consequences – and engagement is often underappreciated.

Tags: LGIM
2022 outlook: Gathering pace

Expect profound changes in 2022 and beyond that will create both risks and opportunities for investors.

Tags: LGIM
Countdown to 2022: starter for 10

2021 was another year full of twists and turns, so what will 2022 bring? As we hastily forge our new year’s resolutions, our attention has turned to what’s next. Here are 10 themes our Asset Allocation team will be mulling over before welcoming in the new year.

Tags: LGIM
Engaging for ESG

LGIM’s final video in their E’s of ESG series focuses on how they engage with the companies which they invest in to help deliver sustainable returns for clients of their Future World Multi-Index funds.

Tags: LGIM
Omicron and markets: what we are watching

We will be focusing on three key questions around the spread of a new variant of COVID-19.

Tags: LGIM, Recovery
Emerging markets: Still on the (electoral) clock - LGIM Blog

We believe that as coronavirus anxieties recede in emerging markets (EMs), upcoming electoral contests will play a larger role shaping investment strategy.

Tags: LGIM, Emerging Markets
Catch 2022: A new world for UK Investors?

LGIM’s CPD-certified roadshow events in November covered topics including the key investing opportunities and challenges as we emerge from the pandemic, what advisers need to know to navigate a potential paradigm shift in markets, and how thematic investors can access new long-term growth markets.

Tags: LGIM
Is China sitting on a property bubble?

Evergrande’s problems have placed the Chinese property sector front and centre of investors’ minds. The sector is undergoing a sizeable credit crunch, several developers have missed coupon payments, and home sales are down 38% year-on-year. How bad can this get? To answer the question, we look at the fundamentals of China’s property sector.

Tags: LGIM, China, emerging markets
Questions for 2022: expected inflation, unexpected implications

Everyone seems to agree rates will need to go up. Few have confidence about how high. And there’s even less clarity about how inflation will be affected by potential megatrends: climate-related border taxes, global work from home forever, and post-pandemic early retirement.

Tags: Bonds, Inflation, Retirement, LGIM
How sensitive is the US to higher rates?

The surprise for markets may be less around the timing of the Fed’s lift-off, and more the magnitude of rate hikes required to cool a potentially overheating economy.

Tags: LGIM, LGIM blog, United States, interest rates, inflation

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 86