Janus Henderson

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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Elections".

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

Will a new candidate create volatility for healthcare stocks?

Portfolio Managers Andy Acker and Dan Lyons explain why the change in Democratic nominee for U.S. president is unlikely to result in added uncertainty for the healthcare sector.

Tags: Janus Henderson, Healthcare, Elections
European espresso: Initial French election results see a small bounce for risk assets

As part of our Espresso series, providing an expert blend of views on European equities, Portfolio Manager Jamie Ross discusses the short-term impact on European and French stocks of the first round of the French parliamentary elections.

Tags: Janus Henderson, Volatility, Elections
Bond Vigilantes - Emerging Markets: 5 key issues to watch in 2019

Emerging Markets (EM) debt had a torrid 2018 as global macro risks (including general geopolitics and trade wars), softer EM growth and idiosyncratic stories (Argentina, Turkey), all repriced relatively expensive valuations at the beginning of the year. Are the new prices a better reflection of fundamentals? This will largely depend on the evolution of 5 key topics.

Tags: China, Elections

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3