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There are 34 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Economics".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 34

Debt Matters - Why It's Time to Position Into Countries with Low Outstanding Debt

In an era of economic uncertainty and volatility, the importance of managing national debt has never been more evident. Investors seek stability and long-term growth opportunities, so the spotlight turns towards countries with low outstanding debt.

Tags: National Debt, Investment strategy, Economics
The economy in 2024: Something will give

The economy continues to deliver surprises but we are confident of one thing: if US and other developed world interest rates have not peaked already, then they will do so soon. With growth set to stall, Global Head of Macro and Strategic Asset Allocation Salman Ahmed details four potential scenarios for 2024 and the next leg of a business cycle, which has seen the most intense round of monetary tightening in a generation.

Tags: Fidelity, Economics, Global
CIO market outlook

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery and senior members of our team review current market dynamics and provide an insight into the implications of recent macro and policy developments. They outline how this evolving backdrop is informing our views across asset classes as we head into the final quarter of 2023.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Multi Asset, Economics, Fixed Income, Global
The cost of higher for longer

With US labour markets still strong, the Federal Reserve is sticking to its “higher for longer” messaging. Global Head of Macro & Strategic Asset Allocation Salman Ahmed analyses the future direction for inflation and growth and believes the US economy could be in for a shock next year when the impact of higher rates finally start to bite.

Tags: Fidelity, Multi Asset, Economics, US
Tracking net zero progress: Too little, not too late

How orderly will the global net zero transition ultimately turn out to be? Our Global Macro & Strategic Asset Allocation Team assess the latest progress we are seeing and outline why policy shifts - catalysed by the energy crisis - have the potential to speed up progress towards net zero goals.

Tags: Fidelity, Sustainable Investing, Multi Asset, Economics
Credit Suisse rescue underlines the need for caution

Banking sector problems have crossed the Atlantic with UBS agreeing to buy struggling Credit Suisse. While recent events are set to drive further market volatility, we outline why the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the rescue of Credit Suisse are unlikely to mark the start of a systemic event. However, from an asset allocation perspective, a cautious approach is warranted as the sector remains under intense scrutiny.

Tags: Fidelity, Europe ex UK, US, Global, Multi Asset, Economics
China Macro & Policy Insights

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery and our local experts deep dive into the major big picture issues currently impacting the investment landscape in China. They outline how this translates into our views across asset classes and discuss how China re-opening after COVID is likely to affect markets.

Tags: Equities, Economics, fixed income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Is now a good time to start considering smaller companies?

Last year was terrible for equities. A war in Ukraine, soaring inflation, higher interest rates and weak economic growth all weighed on sentiment. Globally, both small and large caps were firmly in negative territory. Large-cap indices like the S&P 500 were dragged down as technology companies (such as Meta and Tesla) and stocks with high valuations sold off. Meanwhile, risk-averse investors shunned small caps as economic conditions deteriorated.

Tags: abrdn, Inflation, economics, smaller companies
Rates overshoot risks inflation bust

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery believes the key risk for investors to watch in 2023 is a central bank-induced sharp recession, or inflation bust. He shares his outlook for the global economy and outlines how investors should think about approaching asset allocation in the year ahead.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, multi asset, economics, Fixed Income, global
China macro and policy insights: Stability in an unstable global market?

Fidelity Global CIO Andrew McCaffery and our locally based experts review the economic and investment outlook for China. From the upcoming National Congress to the potential easing of Covid control measures, they debate the key issues facing investors and how markets could react over the coming months.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, economics, fixed income, Asia Pacific ex Japan

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 34