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There are 32 item(s) tagged with the keyword "BNY Mellon Investment Management".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 32

Market Watch: Rising Sun, Rising Rates

In this edition of Market Watch, Shamik Dhar, Chief Economist at BNY Mellon Investment Management, discusses the recent change to Japan’s monetary policy as rates become positive for the first time in 17 years. What impact, if any, will this have on markets?

Tags: Market Watch, BNY Mellon Investment Management
Mettler Toledo: a picture of consistency

Walter Scott client investment manager Murdo MacLean profiles Mettler Toledo, a Swiss-headquartered, US-listed manufacturer of precision weighing and analytical equipment.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Technology, Sectors, Equities
Are markets ripe for value investing

The economic impacts of deglobalisation, normalizing interest rates and the return of inflationary pressures are all factors which could provide an improving outlook for value investors, says Newton Investment Management1 deputy head of equity income and portfolio manager John Bailer.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Market Watch: International Divergence

In this edition of Market Watch, Shamik Dhar, Chief Economist at BNY Mellon Investment Management, explores the persistent theme of divergence from 2023 continuing into 2024. Dhar delves into facets, including the weakening US labour market and geopolitical tensions around the Red Sea, that might mitigate the potential for a US soft landing.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Macroeconomics, Fixed Income, Equities
Leaping into 2024

In 2024’s first edition of Market Watch, Shamik Dhar, chief economist at BNY Mellon Investment Management, explores market scenarios for this year. Dhar also underscores the significance of the ballot box in 2024, with close to 50% of the world’s population having elections.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Market Watch, Interest Rates, Inflation, Bonds
United States trumps Europe

In this week’s Market Watch, Shamik Dhar chief economist, BNY Mellon Investment Managementdelves into the comparative market and economic performance of the United States and Europe. Dhar underscores four pivotal factors contributing to the superior performance of the United States, namely consumer robustness, fiscal policy, global interdependence, and fluctuations in international trade behavior. 

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Market Watch, Interest Rates, Inflation, Bonds
Is the dollar untouchable?

The US dollar’s dominance is being questioned. But BNY Mellon Investment Management head of Asia macro and investment strategy Aninda Mitra thinks the currency remains untouchable.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Market Watch | October 12, 2023

In this week’s Market Watch Shamik  Dhar explores the recent boon of bond markets and bond yields, attributing this to  the markets realisation  interest rates will stay higher for longer. Moreover, Shamik Dhar teases his extensive research piece, Tidal Forces, on long term real interest rates. Find out more.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Market Watch, Market Watch, Interest Rates, Inflation, Bonds
Fixed income builds multi-asset appeal

Rising bond yields are attracting increasing interest from multi-asset investors despite wider fears about inflation and the potential for economic recession, says Newton head of mixed assets investment Paul Flood

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Finding the right balance

Against a much-changed backdrop compared with the past few years, Paul Flood, head of mixed assets investments at Newton, and Alison El-Araby, portfolio manager, look at the challenges and opportunities facing investors.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 32