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There are 32 item(s) tagged with the keyword "BNY Mellon Investment Management".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 32

Why income continues to shine

For years loose monetary policy meant companies could spend cash on essentially what they liked. But the return of higher interest rates has changed that, creating an environment in which income stocks shine, says Newton global income portfolio manager Jon Bell.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Market Watch with Shamik Dhar | 75

In this week's Market Watch, Shamik delves into the likelihood of a recession, but his primary focus is on the market's optimism regarding a soft landing and recession avoidance. Shamik highlights four key reasons for this perspective. Discover these four factors and their global implications. 

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Soft Landing, Recession, Market Watch
Market Watch with Shamik Dhar

In this week's Market Watch, Shamik Dhar gives a taster of things to come over the next few weeks, exploring the potential of a soft landing and his views on the outcome for interest rates.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Soft Landing, Interest Rates
The return of capital discipline

Newton’s Jim Lydotes thinks shareholders have been overlooked by certain companies in recent years, but he says some sectors are leading the way in terms of capital discipline, enabling them to pay dividends.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management, Utilities, Pharmaceutical, Income, Equities, Dividends
Futureproofing against disruption

Walter Scott client investment manager Murdo MacLean outlines how disruption is part and parcel of investing. Not every theme is investable today, however he sees attractive opportunities in companies with long-term horizons that can weather, and indeed benefit from, disruptive forces.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Market Watch with Shamik Dhar

It is an important week for the UK with both inflation rates and the Bank of England policy decision coming out on Thursday. In this week’s Market Watch Shamik covers gilt yields, interest rate levels, mortgage rates and the possible repercussions these may have on the economy.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Embracing volatility

Higher interest rates are here to stay but that is not necessarily a bad thing, according to BNY Mellon Investment Management chief economist Shamik Dhar. In fact, investors should embrace resulting volatility as it is likely to create asset allocation opportunities, he says.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
A return to the 70s?

Following the fastest, most aggressive rate hikes seen in a generation, Real Return manager Andy Warwick believes we’re in for a decade of price instability, heightened geopolitical risks and volatility. But investment opportunities remain.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Seven things to look for in a multi-asset fund

Multi-asset is arguably the least homogeneous investment fund class. The last decade or so has seen an explosion of strategies, ranging from the “no frills” to the downright exotic. With such an assortment of options on offer, we’ve put together a seven-point checklist to help advisers sort the good, the bad and the ordinary.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management
Is it transformation time for AI?

New developments in artificial intelligence (AI) could herald a ‘third epoch’ of technological development, transforming lives and creating myriad new investment opportunities, according to Siuchoon Koay, research analyst in the Newton Investment Management equity research team.

Tags: BNY Mellon Investment Management

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 32