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There are 84 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Global".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 84

Credit Suisse rescue underlines the need for caution

Banking sector problems have crossed the Atlantic with UBS agreeing to buy struggling Credit Suisse. While recent events are set to drive further market volatility, we outline why the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the rescue of Credit Suisse are unlikely to mark the start of a systemic event. However, from an asset allocation perspective, a cautious approach is warranted as the sector remains under intense scrutiny.

Tags: Fidelity, Europe ex UK, US, Global, Multi Asset, Economics
Why 'nature positive' will be as big as net zero

With around half of global GDP moderately or highly dependent on nature, it is no surprise that biodiversity is moving up the agenda of companies, policy makers and investors. Global Head of Stewardship & Sustainable Investing Jenn-Hui Tan discusses the risk biodiversity loss poses to investors and outlines what needs to happen to unlock the financing needed to effectively tackle this issue.

Tags: Fidelity, global
Rates overshoot risks inflation bust

Global CIO Andrew McCaffery believes the key risk for investors to watch in 2023 is a central bank-induced sharp recession, or inflation bust. He shares his outlook for the global economy and outlines how investors should think about approaching asset allocation in the year ahead.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, multi asset, economics, Fixed Income, global
From inflation complacency to inflation myopia

As underlying inflation readings continue to surprise to the upside few central bankers are patient enough to allow the long and variable lags of monetary policy.

Tags: abrdn, monetary policy, Global
Are cost pressures finally easing?

Our latest analyst survey suggests that input cost inflation is starting to stabilise, amid signs of demand destruction. Here, we delve into the results and highlight how our analysts are expecting labour and non-labour cost pressures to evolve across key economic regions over the coming months.

Tags: Fidelity, economics, Fixed Income, Global
Watch where you step as defaults set to rise

Many investors have grown used to a low default environment in the wake of the global financial crisis, but could this be about to change? As macro concerns build, Global Fixed Income CIO Steve Ellis looks at how different parts of the credit market could react to a rise in defaults and reveals why high yield investors may be taking on more risk than they are being paid for.

Tags: Fidelity, Fixed Income, Europe ex UK, US, Global
A critical moment for climate change

Our CEO Anne Richards explains why the next step in the response to the climate emergency will be the hardest. Turning pledges and commitments into real action requires effort; however, it is essential now that the scale of the problem is better understood, and the solutions made clearer.

Tags: Fidelity, Sustainable Investing, Global
Global Asset Allocation Insights - July 2022

Portfolio manager Tim Foster takes stock of what has been a very challenging period for fixed income investors. He discusses how the market environment is likely to evolve over the coming months and outlines how the portfolio is positioned to capitalise on the pockets of value emerging across rates and credit markets.

Tags: Fidelity, Fixed Income, Global
Look to duration as recession risks grow

Central banks are moving from tough talk to action to bring inflation under control. With history showing that policymakers rarely succeed in raising rates without triggering a downturn, Steve Ellis, Global CIO Fixed Income, believes investors should consider adding duration to portfolios as recession risks grow.

Tags: Fidelity, global
Big brands need to clean up on plastics

The recent UN treaty on global plastics is a big step towards reducing the millions of tons of plastic seeping into the environment. As governments get to work on the details, find out how we are pressing consumer companies to deliver real world solutions to one of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Tags: Fidelity, global, Sustainable Investing, equities

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 84