Ninety One

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There are 35 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Multi Asset".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 35

Revolutionising central banking: why 'helicopter money' is the right policy for our times

The speed, depth and breadth of the coronavirus recession is unprecedented. Policymakers cannot avert the near-term pain. But they can limit the permanent scars from this crisis through bold and decisive action.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, alternatives, ESG, fixed income, multi asset, Real Estate
Podcast: Coronavirus – where from here?

Coronavirus - where have we got to, and how do we see the economic and market landscape from here? After a turbulent few weeks in markets, Richard Dunbar talks to Katy Forbes, Head of Absolute Return in our Multi-Asset Team and Jeremy Lawson, our Chief Economist and Head of the ASI Research Institute.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, podcast, Coronavirus, multi asset
Navigating today's market volatility

The global spread of the COVID-19 virus has disrupted global financial markets and the recent slump in oil prices has fueled the widespread volatility. We've received many questions from our clients and we'd like to share some of the top queries and our answers.

Tags: LGIM, multi asset
Coronavirus volatility keeps short-term risk management in focus

Last week, it became clear that the financial markets were no longer prepared to overlook the potential global impact of coronavirus. Our initial discussions focused on the short-term risk management of the portfolio and ensuring the diversification in our portfolios remained intact.

Tags: Invesco, multi asset, Coronavirus
Week in review: From epidemic to pandemic?

Coronavirus continues to cast a dark shadow over the global economy, as the number of new cases outside China continues to accelerate.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, multi asset, economics, US
Global Targeted Returns: 2019 in review

After a tough 2018, our Multi Asset team remained focused on their robust ideas-based philosophy aiming for good returns over the longer term with continued low volatility. In 2019, returns for the Invesco Global Targeted Returns Fund (UK) were more in line with their targets.

Tags: Invesco, multi asset
Staying Nimble Amid an Uncertain Outlook

Franklin Templeton’s senior investment leaders discuss why they do not see a recession in the near term, but are taking a cautious and nimble approach.

Tags: Global Equity, fixed income, Franklin Templeton, multi asset
The Polish economy is bucking the trend – and what this meant for our portfolio

Five years ago, we added an investment idea into the Invesco Global Targeted Returns Strategy that incorporated a view on Polish government bonds. We believed then (and continue to believe now) that there are benefits to be found in holding selective, high-yielding emerging market local currency debt – particularly those with attractive currencies and improving economic indicators and fundamentals.

Tags: global, multi asset, investment
Making the world go round: why we invest in infrastructure

James de Bunsen, Portfolio Manager on Janus Henderson’s UK-based Multi-Asset team, discusses the solid attractions of infrastructure investment.

Tags: multi asset, UK, Janus Henderson
Creating a virtuous circle in residential investing

Property ESG standards: how tenants, landlords and the planet can happily co-exist

Tags: ESG, multi asset, UK, Europe

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 35