Ninety One

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There are 17 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Sustainable Investing".

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17

Big brands need to clean up on plastics

The recent UN treaty on global plastics is a big step towards reducing the millions of tons of plastic seeping into the environment. As governments get to work on the details, find out how we are pressing consumer companies to deliver real world solutions to one of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Tags: Fidelity, global, Sustainable Investing, equities
Ukraine war won't slow decarbonisation momentum; it will accelerate it

The war in Ukraine is leading to temporarily higher emissions as some countries switch to dirtier fuels and away from politically toxic Russian oil and gas. Over the longer-term however, portfolio managers Velislava Dimitrova and Cornelia Furse believe the conflict will accelerate the adoption of alternative energy solutions. They review the factors they see indicating the growing momentum of the climate movement.

Tags: Fidelity, Sustainable Investing, Equities, Global
Three key demographic drivers shaping tomorrow's world

The world is changing rapidly, with three key demographic trends at play: we are living longer lives; we are living better lives; and there are more lives on the planet than ever before. We deep dive into the economic and investment implications of these shifts, outlining some of the areas that appear best placed to reward investors over time.

Tags: Fidelity, Sustainable Investing, Equities, global
The Great Rotation

Bond markets are signalling The Great Rotation is over. After falling to 77bps on November 5 2020, the 10-year US treasury yield saw an increase to 177bps on the 31 March 2021.

Tags: Royal London Asset Management, sustainability, Sustainable Investing
The Asia Call: China deep dive

Find out the latest from Fidelity’s locally-based investment team as they focus on the outlook for Asia’s largest and most important economy - China. From the latest market trends to shifting policy dynamics, they discuss the key factors shaping the investment landscape and reveal how this is impacting current views and positioning.

Tags: Fidelity, Asia Pacific ex Japan, Sustainable Investing, Equities
Does sustainable investing belong in fixed income?

Sustainable investing is traditionally an equity concept. Its history is largely devoid of fixed income. Yet that appears to be changing. The growing desire from clients for products that embed ethical values, alongside growing evidence that sustainable approaches do not compromise financial performance, has led to a surge in enthusiasm for sustainable approaches to investing across all asset classes. But is this all hype? Does it truly belong in the world of credit? 

Tags: Royal London Asset Management, ESG, Sustainable Investing
Taking action for stranded seafarers

Covid-19 has left over 400,000 maritime workers stranded at sea, prohibited from disembarking at port or unable to secure flights home. Find out how more investors are joining our campaign through an open letter to the UN, calling for urgent action to address this humanitarian crisis and preserve the sustainability of global supply chains.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, fixed income, Sustainable Investing

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17