Ninety One

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There are 77 item(s) tagged with the keyword "UK".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 77

The Climate Emergency and the role investors can play

Urgent action is needed this decade to meet global commitments on climate change. There are compelling long-term opportunities for companies that can actively accelerate the shift to a low carbon economy.

Tags: M&G, ESG, UK, Climate Change
UK Smaller Companies Equities: What does ESG mean to us?

Our focus as active fund managers is always on finding mispriced stocks and ESG integration underpins our investment process at every stage.

Tags: Invesco, UK, Equity, ESG
I thought you said you were contrarian

Question: You say you are a contrarian investor. If we look at your top holdings in the Invesco Asian Fund (UK), such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) and Samsung Electronics, they don’t seem very contrarian ideas. Have your philosophy and process changed?

Tags: Invesco, UK, Markets
China, the West and the rest: progress on vaccine rollouts

Our health care analyst discusses the wide-ranging approaches taken by countries across the globe to vaccinate their populations and what that might mean for a global recovery - in health and in wealth terms. While China is firing on all cylinders, Israel stands out as the fastest mover among developed markets.

Tags: Europe ex UK, global, UK, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Flexibility, scope and risk awareness in bond markets

The Invesco Tactical Bond Fund (UK) is our investment philosophy distilled into a single fund. It’s designed to allow us to align risk to reward, both the level and the type, across bond markets as the opportunity set changes. In that way we seek attractive risk-adjusted returns and to achieve income and capital growth over time.

Tags: Invesco, UK, fixed interest
The inflation debate and the market implications

In the 20 odd years that I have been in the financial markets, inflation has rarely ignited as much debate as it is doing right now. I see that in meetings across the Henley investment floor and in numerous blogs and research pieces written by Invesco colleagues worldwide.

Tags: Invesco, UK, Coronavirus
Webinar replay: The Income Dilemma - July 2020

Listen to the replay as fund managers from our fixed income, global equities and multi-asset teams discuss the outlook for markets and portfolio ideas to help investors navigate the income dilemma.

Tags: Invesco, video, UK, equity
Webinar replay: Asian Equities update - June 2020

Listen to the replay to hear Will and Ian discuss how markets have been impacted, with a particular focus on China, and the outlook for the region as we look beyond the pandemic.

Tags: Invesco, UK, equity
Stocks which can grow irrespective of the wider economy

In anticipation of a resumption of economic growth, the UK equity market has rapidly recovered over the past two months. Jonathan Brown and Robin West caution that it could be two-three years, however, before the economy returns to full health. Given their preference for quality businesses with strong balance sheets, they believe that it’s never been more important to maintain their focus on businesses with the ability to do well even in more difficult times.

Tags: Invesco, UK, equity, markets
Easing into the new normal

As the UK starts to emerge from lockdown, Fidelity UK Select Fund portfolio manager Aruna Karunathilake discusses how investors should approach the gradual reopening of the domestic economy. He outlines how easing back into normality will affect different sectors, why he’s feeling more positive on oil and how he’s positioning for Brexit.

Tags: Fidelity, UK, equities

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 77