T Rowe Price

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There are 30 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Europe".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 30

Global Economic Outlook: the inflation menace

The recovery from the Covid crisis continues, with global activity now exceeding its pre-pandemic peak. However, this rapid rebound has already run into supply constraints in many sectors and economies, leading to a surge in global inflation. Some of these demand-supply imbalances should ease over the coming quarters, helping to cool price growth. But it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Covid has permanently damaged the supply side of the global economy, implying a less favourable trade-off between growth and inflation.

Tags: abrdn, inflation, Europe, UK, US, fiscal policy, monetary policy
Geopolitical rupture in Europe: long-term investment implications

We need to remain humble and nimble as we assess the changing investment landscape and seek to fulfil our purpose: to create a better future through responsible investing.

Tags: LGIM, Currency, Commodities, Europe, Energy, ESG
Ukraine conflict: the macroeconomic impact

In our fourth post in this series, we look at the questions that Russia's invasion raises for the global economy. We also outline our views on the outlook for Fed, BoE and ECB policy.

Tags: LGIM blog, LGIM, inflation, interest rates, Europe
When might the economy re-open?

Progress in Hubei province implies that there is a potential timeline for lifting economic restrictions in Europe.

Tags: LGIM, ESG, equities, Europe
Panic-selling creates opportunities in Europe

The coronavirus situation is developing rapidly. Italy is in lockdown, confirmed cases are rising across the rest of Europe and the US, and there is a huge global effort to contain the virus. On Thursday last week, European shares suffered their biggest one-day plunge since 1987. Panic appears to have gripped markets.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, Europe, European equities, Coronavirus
Draghi legacy

European Central Bank – end of an era?

Tags: Europe, equity, Economic
Goodwill hunting – why investors should focus on future impairments.

What is goodwill? In the accounting sense, it’s an intangible asset that arises as a result of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Essentially, goodwill is the difference between the price paid for a company and its book value. It is recorded on the buyer’s balance sheet, and its value must be tested each year and adjusted accordingly. Any change results in a write-down of this value, which is recorded as an impairment – effectively, a loss.

Tags: fixed income, Europe, UK, US
Will the last bund trader please turn out the lights?

Roll up, roll up ... behold the amazing, disappearing bund market.

Tags: Europe, Germany, government bonds
ESG and logistics: the times they are a changin'

When most people think of industrial logistics buildings, factors like energy efficiency, technology and carbon innovation don’t usually spring to mind.

Tags: ESG, UK, Real Estate, Europe, technology
The Search For Yield is Going Green

With environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations high on the agenda, investors should not have to sacrifice their green credentials in the search for yield.

Tags: Europe, fixed income, ETF, ESG, Franklin Templeton

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 30