T Rowe Price

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There are 63 item(s) tagged with the keyword "US".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 63

Assessing the potential impacts on US health care in an election year

A number of key US health care issues will continue to be a primary focus for the next US president

Tags: T. Rowe Price, US
Value investing - Are you missing an opportunity?

Across the globe, despite a brief comeback, many value stocks and sectors are languishing at historical lows relative to their growth counterparts. Against this backdrop, our value-oriented portfolio managers review the landscape facing investors in the world’s key economies, highlighting the opportunities we’re seeing in mispriced stocks and the potential catalysts for a value revival more broadly.

Tags: Fidelity, Investment Trusts, Equities, US, Asia Pacific ex Japan, UK, Webcast
Tech outlook - time to look beyond AI and the 'Magnificent 7'?

Tech stocks have continued to perform well in 2024 relative to the broader market, but there has been wide divergence in returns, even among the ‘Magnificent 7’. Fidelity Global Technology portfolio manager Hyun Ho Sohn outlines why tech themes could broaden out beyond recent high profile winners and discusses some of the underappreciated opportunities he sees across the sector.

Tags: Fidelity, European equities, Equities, US, Asia Pacific ex Japan, Global, Webcast
Positioning for income in a rapidly evolving economic landscape

Portfolio manager Talib Sheikh provides an update on recent positioning moves within Fidelity’s multi asset income range, highlighting the increased exposure to developed market equities. He also shines a light on how the investment process has been adjusted to reflect changing economic scenarios.

Tags: Fidelity, Multi Asset, US, Global, UK
Three reasons why US bonds could outperform

As conditions look ripe for a period of outperformance in US credit markets, Fidelity US Dollar Bond portfolio manager Rick Patel outlines three catalysts that could trigger the Fed to start cutting interest rates.

Tags: Fidelity, Fixed Income, US
How do US elections affect stock market performance?

It’s the economy that matters for US presidential elections and stocks

Tags: T. Rowe Price, US, equity
How to maximise the risk/reward trade-off in US tech

Vital components used in consumer electronics and internet infrastructure could soon be in short supply, but demand could be about to rise. Will Warren, US equity manager, reveals how the team are playing this imbalance in their portfolios.

Tags: Artemis, Tech, US
The cost of higher for longer

With US labour markets still strong, the Federal Reserve is sticking to its “higher for longer” messaging. Global Head of Macro & Strategic Asset Allocation Salman Ahmed analyses the future direction for inflation and growth and believes the US economy could be in for a shock next year when the impact of higher rates finally start to bite.

Tags: Fidelity, Multi Asset, Economics, US
Generative AI: All in or avert interest?

Generative artificial intelligence is the hot technology of the moment. It has the potential to be transformative, but as with other recent technologies - electric vehicles, renewable energy, blockchain - valuations can become detached from fundamentals. Equity research analyst Jonathan Tseng provides an overview of the technology, its risks and where we see investment potential.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, US, Global
Credit Suisse rescue underlines the need for caution

Banking sector problems have crossed the Atlantic with UBS agreeing to buy struggling Credit Suisse. While recent events are set to drive further market volatility, we outline why the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the rescue of Credit Suisse are unlikely to mark the start of a systemic event. However, from an asset allocation perspective, a cautious approach is warranted as the sector remains under intense scrutiny.

Tags: Fidelity, Europe ex UK, US, Global, Multi Asset, Economics

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 63