T Rowe Price

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There are 63 item(s) tagged with the keyword "US".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 63

Not business as usual - Copy

Global health, monetary and fiscal policy has been rightly focusing on limiting the worst impacts of the coronavirus outbreak over recent weeks. Paras Anand, CIO Asset Management Asia Pacific, takes a step back and assesses the longer-term ramifications for businesses in terms of taxation, regulation and unexpected shifts in the jobs market.

Tags: global, US
Week in review: From epidemic to pandemic?

Coronavirus continues to cast a dark shadow over the global economy, as the number of new cases outside China continues to accelerate.

Tags: Aberdeen Standard Investments, multi asset, economics, US
US business cycle: John Greenwood

Consumer spending continues to rise

Tags: US, equity, Economic
Goodwill hunting – why investors should focus on future impairments.

What is goodwill? In the accounting sense, it’s an intangible asset that arises as a result of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Essentially, goodwill is the difference between the price paid for a company and its book value. It is recorded on the buyer’s balance sheet, and its value must be tested each year and adjusted accordingly. Any change results in a write-down of this value, which is recorded as an impairment – effectively, a loss.

Tags: fixed income, Europe, UK, US
Compounding the Growth Opportunity in Asia Ex-Japan

Many investors associate Asia ex-Japan with high-growth, higher-risk investing, which can mean some good-quality, growth-compounding companies are overlooked.

Tags: US, China, trade war, Japan
Measure twice, cut once: Fed delivers expected cut

Fed Chairman Powell cites weakening global growth, trade policy developments and below-target inflation as impetus for rate cut.

Tags: US, fixed interest, Economic
Can US smaller companies perform late in the cycle?

Although investors – and the Fed – may be worried about slower growth, there are still clear areas of strength in the US economy. Cormac Weldon explains how the Artemis US Smaller Companies Fund exploits them.

Tags: US smaller companies, US
The curve that's crying wolf

The yield-curve boy is crying wolf, raising recession fears. But the villagers at central banks have responded to dangers already.

Tags: Central Banks, Recession, US, Growth
Q1 earnings: Season opener

The earnings season will deliver an enormous amount of newsflow. This one is shaping up to be unusually interesting. Here is a quick guide on what to expect and what to look out for from the macro perspective.

Tags: equities, US
Is the US bull market long in the tooth?

This March marks the 10-year anniversary of the longest bull market in history that has been ploughing on in the US since early March 2009. The S&P 500 Index has delivered a staggering 400% in total returns over the decade. In addition, the US economic cycle is the second longest…

Tags: FED, growth, inflation, US

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 63