T Rowe Price

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There are 63 item(s) tagged with the keyword "US".

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 63

Going against the tide

The unusually calm market conditions of 2017 have given way to the swaggering return of volatility and generally rising US Treasury yields. But Ariel Bezalel, Head of Strategy, Fixed Income has believed for some time that the tide is set to turn and that the bull market in government bonds is far from over. Market conditions year to date have only strengthened his conviction. He explains why a prudent approach is now needed in an environment that is at a late stage of the business cycle and vulnerable to unforeseen shocks.

Tags: US
Week in review: Markle sparkles

Seems the cash registers are already ringing in the UK this week. According to consulting firm Brand Finance, Saturday’s royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will boost the UK economy by around £1.05 billion.

Tags: Asia, equities, Europe, fixed income, global, North America, US
Invesco Perpetual: Opportunities in global equity markets

What has happened across global equity markets this year so far, what themes are prevalent and what is the outlook for investors? Fund Managers Stephen Anness and Andrew Hall outline their views on market developments as well as discuss portfolio strategy and positioning.

The end of easy money

A decade after the global financial crisis (GFC) threatened a return to the Great Depression of the 1930s, we believe that the global economy is finally on the mend.

Tags: crisis, US, multi asset
Asset Allocation Podcast: Tough but not terrible

Portfolio Manager Pek Ng, Research Analyst Ian Samson, and James Bateman, Chief Investment Officer, explain their positioning and the need to be more active on equities.

Tags: markets, fixed income, Donald Trump, US, China, equities, inflation, podcast
Schroders: 60 Seconds with Keith Wade

Keith Wade, Chief Economist and Strategist, discusses the US recovery and questions how long this may continue.

Tags: US, trade
Q2 Guide to the Markets with Karen Ward

Karen Ward, Chief Market Strategist for EMEA, shares her views on the key themes for the second quarter of 2018.

Tags: investment outlook, US, equity
BVTV: Then and now

Jim Leaviss, Head of Retail Fixed Interest, recently updated an old chart from 2007 showing the relationship between a flattening yield curve and credit spread levels. Back then, this classic leading indicator of recessions correctly predicted a big sell-off in corporate bonds. The rest, as they say, is history.

Tags: US
Trump's tariffs: Opportunity in uncertainty...

Simon Edelsten, manager of the Artemis Global Select Fund, explains how US tariffs on imports from China may affect global markets – and present opportunities.

Tags: global, equities, Donald Trump, trade war, trade, trade tariff, China, US
Trump wars: is Trump's bark worse than his bite?

Concerns have shifted to the potential for corporate profits to be undermined if a trade war erupts with China announcing a new round of tariffs on US products.

Tags: US, China, tech

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 63