T Rowe Price

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There are 63 item(s) tagged with the keyword "US".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 63

Watch where you step as defaults set to rise

Many investors have grown used to a low default environment in the wake of the global financial crisis, but could this be about to change? As macro concerns build, Global Fixed Income CIO Steve Ellis looks at how different parts of the credit market could react to a rise in defaults and reveals why high yield investors may be taking on more risk than they are being paid for.

Tags: Fidelity, Fixed Income, Europe ex UK, US, Global
Global Economic Outlook: the inflation menace

The recovery from the Covid crisis continues, with global activity now exceeding its pre-pandemic peak. However, this rapid rebound has already run into supply constraints in many sectors and economies, leading to a surge in global inflation. Some of these demand-supply imbalances should ease over the coming quarters, helping to cool price growth. But it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Covid has permanently damaged the supply side of the global economy, implying a less favourable trade-off between growth and inflation.

Tags: abrdn, inflation, Europe, UK, US, fiscal policy, monetary policy
Webcast: The outlook for value investing

Value stocks and sectors have rallied sharply over recent times, driven by shifting expectations for inflation and monetary policy. Our value-focused portfolio managers discuss what lies ahead for investors in the US and UK markets, with a focus on the evolving opportunity set in the financials sector.

Tags: Fidelity, US, UK
A close look at the US labour market

 In 2020, the impact of the pandemic on the US labour market was unprecedented, with the unemployment rate in the country hitting 14.8% at its peak and the number of unemployed soaring, from some 7 million to over 23 million. In this brief note we take a close look at the US labour market today and discuss why it is important for investors to watch in the coming months.

Tags: M&G Investments, multi-asset, Macroeconomics, Inflation, US, Asset allocation
Strat snippets: Are higher rates a buying opportunity?

The reflation narrative is gathering steam and many investors are questioning the extent to which the recent back-up in core government bond yields can continue. Against this backdrop, Fidelity Strategic Bond Fund Co-Manager Claudio Ferrarese gives his outlook for rates and outlines the factors which suggest that this may well present a buying opportunity.

Tags: Fidelity, US, global
Strategic bonds: making the most of volatility

Fidelity Strategic Bond Fund co-portfolio managers Tim Foster and Claudio Ferrarese outline how they have effectively navigated an eventful last 12 months in global fixed income markets. If 2020 was a year of dramatic changes, they also look ahead and discuss why they expect 2021 to be more focussed on alpha and picking the right opportunities.

Tags: Fidelity, US, Global, Fixed Income, fixed income
Macro briefing: The Fed are in a holding pattern, for now

The Federal Reserve announced no major policy changes at the June FOMC meeting, as expected. Anna Stupnytska, Head of Global Macro and Investment Strategy dissects the key messages from the statement; whilst there was an overtone of “considerable risks” to the outlook for the US it’s not all bad news and there are early signs of stabilisation.

Tags: Fidelity, US
When Wall Street wakes up to Main Street

A critical look at the factors underpinning recent market moves suggests that the current disconnect between the positivity of Wall Street and the sobering economic reality of Main Street will converge. We outlines three things investors should consider when positioning for this phase and why this could be good news for active investors.

Tags: Fidelity, global, US
How we are valuing companies in an economic shutdown

Recent market volatility has opened up a number of new opportunities, but methods of assessing these must adapt to avoid value traps. Fidelity American Special Situations Fund Manager Angel Agudo discusses the complexities of determining the price to pay for US companies in a post-pandemic world.

Tags: Fidelity, US
What happened with the oil price?

The plunge into negative prices for US WTI oil produced some shocking headlines, but it is due to a technical effect of the futures market. James Trafford, Analyst & Portfolio Manager explains what the technical drivers are behind the oil price.

Tags: Fidelity, global, US

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 63