T Rowe Price

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There are 23 item(s) tagged with the keyword "volatility".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 23

Have we been sailing through choppier waters?

US equities saw an increasing number of sharp reversals in performance last year, but we caution against extrapolating this to mean that a change of trend is around the corner.

Tags: volatility, Americas, Europe
Embracing volatility Dean Cheeseman

Dean Cheeseman, Fund Manager on the Janus Henderson Multi-Asset Team, discusses the return of market volatility and the opportunities it presents for active managers to generate long-term returns.

Tags: Janus Henderson, multi asset, volatility
BVTV: 10 years after Lehman, still holding on?

Last Saturday marked exactly 10 years since Lehman Brothers went bust. Are we still suffering the consequences of the Global Financial Crisis that followed? Had the crisis not occurred, would we have today’s political uncertainty? Watch M&G fund manager Wolfgang Bauer and Investment Director Ana Gil discuss how the clash between growth and political risk are driving markets today, and what opportunities such dynamic might present.

Tags: volatility, crisis
BVTV: Where has all the volatility gone?

Volatility in the US Treasury market has broken records this summer, reaching lows not seen since the 1960s. This can’t just be attributed to the summer lull, so what has been going on?  In this week’s episode of BVTV, Laura Frost, Investment Director looks at the opposing forces that have been at work, and examine what influence these have had on the US dollar. Inevitably, most answers lead back to President Trump.

Tags: US, Donald Trump, volatility
The language of volatility: Facebook and Japanese bonds

Remember last year when most financial commentary was saying that market volatility was too low? That was a pretty unusual state of affairs.

Tags: volatility, FAANG, Japan, behavioural finance
Emerging market debt: a passing storm?

With volatility returning to the emerging market debt arena in recent weeks, Aaron Grehan discusses what it means for investors.

Tags: emerging markets, volatility, South America, fixed income
How can we respond to irrational market behaviour?

Emotions can get the better of anyone. In financial markets, it happens all the time.

Tags: volatility, FX
BVTV: Accessing credit – cash bonds or CDS?

We have already seen several corrections in credit markets so far this year, providing a good opportunity to analyse these episodes from a volatility perspective to see whether they have created good entry points into previously expensive markets.

Tags: credit, volatility, bonds
Are we there yet?

After a hiatus in 2017, volatility appears to be back. Are recent tremors in markets a catalyst for change or yet another false positive? Looking at a range of stress indicators, James Clunie, Head of Strategy, Absolute Return, believes regime change could be afoot.

Tags: volatility, FAANG, emerging markets, cryptocurrencies
Why is now the time to consider defensive assets?

Eugene Philalithis, portfolio manager of the Fidelity Multi Asset Income range, looks at why now is the time for investors to ensure diversification in their portfolios, as markets begin to experience more volatility, unseen for nearly a decade.

Tags: multi asset income, volatility

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 23