The RSMR fund update - July 2024

09 Aug 2024

The RSMR fund update - July 2024

Every month we study the universe of funds in the investment marketplace to assess whether they meet our exacting standards and should be given the RSMR seal of approval.

Here's the new rated fund from our July review:

Premier Miton Strategic Monthly Income Bond

Premier Miton Strategic Monthly Income Bond provides investors with access to a steady monthly income, while minimising volatility and providing better risk adjusted returns compared to its peers. It is benchmark agnostic and tends to have a lower duration than the market. Through investing largely in high quality, relatively liquid bonds, it is a core holding in the IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector.

The fund is managed by a strong team of fund managers, credit analysts and dealers, who have developed a unique approach to managing the fund based on a ‘triangle of trust’ given their respective skill sets and the high level of activity and interaction between the team. The team have consistently applied their coherent investment process since the fund was launched and this has been reflected in the fund’s performance.

Being benchmark agnostic and unconcerned with the strategies employed by other funds in the IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector, the fund’s approach means that it can act as a genuine diversifier to other funds within the sector that seek to outperform each other or are benchmarked against specific indices/targets.

The team believe it hard to get the macro right every time, and so they do not take substantial macro bets but seek to take advantage of the dynamic environment, working at the more liquid, higher quality end of the market to produce relatively smooth returns.

Click here to read the full factsheet for the Premier Miton Strategic Monthly Income Bond


You can access all our factsheets and fund profiles on our website for FREE. 

RSMR provides impartial, qualitative, forward-looking research for advice businesses. 

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This information is for UK Professional Advisers only and should not be given to retail clients.

The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested.

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