The RSMR monthly fund update - the new recruits from our April review

04 May 2021

The RSMR monthly fund update - the new recruits from our April review

Every month we study the universe of funds in the investment marketplace to assess whether they meet our exacting standards and should be given the RSMR seal of approval. 

Here are the new recruits from our April review: 

Royal London Sustainable Managed Income Trust 

The Royal London Sustainable Managed Income Trust is an actively managed fund classified in the IA Sterling Corporate Bond sector. The fund aims to achieve an income over a 12-month period that consistently exceeds typical cash deposit rates (measured by SONIA). The fund predominantly invests in sterling-denominated bonds that are deemed to make a positive contribution to society. Investments in the fund will adhere to the Manager’s ethical and sustainable investment policy.

The fund focuses on utilising capital to support the transition to a more sustainable economy and as such is bottom up in construction. This is achieved by only investing in companies that are making products and services which help address major environmental and social challenges, including climate change and are industry-leading in their efforts to mitigate their environmental impact.

The RLAM Sustainable Managed Income fund it is a steady option from an asset manager with strong heritage and resource within the fixed income space. The addition of focusing on companies that are providing a net benefit to society, combined with the process, results in a portfolio that is truly differentiated to the benchmark with a lower carbon intensity to the index with an increased yield.

Click here to read the full profile


Premier Miton Diversified Fund Range

The Premier Miton Diversified fund range comprises five actively managed, multi-asset funds that predominantly use direct investments rather than collectives.  Four of the funds are designed to produce long-term total returns and are managed with different risk profiles. The fifth fund in the range, the Diversified Income fund, as the names suggests, is more focused on income with some potential for long-term capital growth. The asset allocation is very active with a lot of flexibility, although there are formal asset allocation limits. Once asset allocation decisions have been made, dedicated specialist teams responsible for the underlying asset classes (fixed income, equities, property and alternatives) select the investments.

Click here to read the full profile

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