Royal London Asset Management

6 April 2021
What impact has the vaccine roll out had on Sustainable Funds?
What impact has the vaccine roll out had on Sustainable Funds?

March 2021 - A Covid-19 Sustainable investment update. What is happening? What will happen next? How are we performing?

12 March 2021
Does sustainable investing belong in fixed income?
Does sustainable investing belong in fixed income?

Sustainable investing is traditionally an equity concept. Its history is largely devoid of fixed income. Yet that appears to be changing. The growing desire from clients for products that embed ethical values, alongside growing evidence that sustainable approaches do not compromise financial performance, has led to a surge in enthusiasm for sustainable approaches to investing across all asset classes. But is this all hype? Does it truly belong in the world of credit? 

9 March 2021
JP's journal: Trade-offs in politics and economics
JP's journal: Trade-offs in politics and economics

It is often said that market participants dislike uncertainty, but I think that the opposite is true. Investors thrive on weighing up options for outcomes and then backing their views. Making choices in a world of imperfect knowledge is what we all do.

1 March 2021
JP's journal: Are rising yields a precursor to changing policy?
JP's journal: Are rising yields a precursor to changing policy?

Government bond yields continued to rise sharply over last week, although appeared to have stabilised towards the end, and equities moved back from their recent highs. All of this was met with some relief throughout global markets.

23 February 2021
JP's journal: ESG considerations are becoming global
JP's journal: ESG considerations are becoming global

Government bonds were under pressure last week as inflation, vaccine news and supply fears weighed on markets. A key issue for me over the next few weeks will be whether this rise in the risk free rate impacts on risk assets such as credit and equities.

12 February 2021
Bonds are different from equities
Bonds are different from equities

The separate articulation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)  investing started as an equity construct and much of the data and analysis used today is still centred in equities.

13 January 2021
Outlook 2021
The challenges awaiting bond investors

The magic money tree is alive.